Dream Log: 11/4/21 - 11/9/21

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I was driving home to a cabin with my father and my friend Maddy. Nothing to bizarre happened besides the amount of police cars we had to pass. My driving did seem off whenever I turned, and my father teleported to the front seat.

I remember being upset when I was told not to see this one actually interesting guy and it wasn't like he was a bad person. Then I saw this bit where a mummy like Spade card had put 2 kids in this horrible land. They brought back Cinderella who had to be resurrected via statues; she was very short, brown hair and wore a red dress all while having doll like features. Then we meet this one armed Dr. Seuss cat in the hat wanna be and he's delusional to the point it's sad to watch. He sees his old friends who I believe died in some way. One of the characters mentioned about how the well was dry except for a puddle; making this cute duckling very happy.

I was constantly following someone; I think Megamind or someone from there. They were watching Kris and Susie, or they were supposed to. I did see Kris Tokyo drift a Jeep with Susie hyping it up in the backseat and Chara in the passenger. Then I was watching Chucky the doll in some time lapse as he notes the blood stain walls never changed.

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