Dream Log: 7/17/21 - 7/20/21

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I was trapped in this house with a queen bee monster. She was very controlling and demanding of both me and this other person. Luckily while she was out, I decided to ruin her house. When she got thirsty, there was no water. The style of everything was very similar to Don't Starve. I get whooshed to another place filled with children; screaming and shoving each other while I'm looking around. I did a "restart" of sorts to find myself in a room with another person. I believe it was my friend, Ace. She was somehow snagging my stuff and teleporting around while I tried to get them back. Then I'm whooshed outside. I see my bio mom and brother, as well as other people, in this park of sorts. A very dark storm was brewing so much I heard a tornado siren. I spotted the tornado; it's both cool looking and scary at the same time. The tornado sorta went around us then disappeared. We were all okay.

I was part of a class. We were in this mall yet means this girl hung back with the teacher because we had slow bodies compared to the rest of the class. Even the teacher acknowledged this. I did see a lot of references like Osomatsu San; it was Ichimatsu with cat ears. I did exercise with the girl.

I was at this very Pizza Hut; running around in my undergarments. I felt some shame as there was customers. However they only glared at me. Then I see Tubbo, Tommy, Phil, and many others. I only heard Corpse and they pointed to Dream. They gave me a vague description of him, but I wasn't paying attention. I hugged Phil, awkwardly, and was told to go get Quackity from the Men's. I wanted a photo with them all, but they all declined. I was sad but I respected their wishes. There was this one guy that was pretty chill; he had dark, probably black, hair. Definitely had those gothic vibes. He was chill in playing a game with me on this 2000's futuristic style phone that looked more like a mirror compact.

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