Dreams: 2/19/21 - 2/25/21

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I was either at some Grandma's or she was at mine for Christmas. However, granny was actually a monster. More of a living corpse. Fairly easy to run from; I did let her catch me at one point just to see. She would have me sleep in bed while I watch her rot beside me and her killing me I guess. It did play out like some game.

I briefly sat in a boat with Bowser and his son. We were racing against another boat and winning in the process. We were doing laps around his castle; the difference being it's surrounded by ice. There was a brief moment where Bowser wanted to mess with his son, with a :3 face and a 420 shroom counter, thus steering the boat elsewhere. I did overhear a man crying about his 3 headed dog that he had raised since it was a pup. I felt bad for him because he really loved that dog.

So Ursula and I went at this amusement park. We were there to assassinate a particular singer. She was going to be singing near an aquarium. Well, the singer managed to kick us out the window of a 6 or 7 story building? I can't recall since I was getting smacked by window roofs while falling. We were fine but we had to trek back all over again. Then I'm sailing out at sea by myself. I land and go to this old mansion. A family lives there and I just ask the boy if he wanted to come with me out to sea. He says yes though we never made it back to my raft because I'm now trying to keep distance of my friend. We're at another manor, though this is out in country lands instead. She's has become a vampire of sorts and I'm a little weary. She couldn't leave this place either for some reason.

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