Dreams: 3/28/21 - 3/31/21

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I remember being at a place before birth. It was more like how Boss Baby handles the idea. Well, I met my sister Jade there. I believe Draven was there too. However they are living different lives. They don't recognize me and I had a different family myself. Their dad seem to know who I was and gave me a hug.

There was a singer; she was almost like that whole underdog type. She had stalkers though. One tried to break in her house, and another was successful just to stop the first one. When she was on a boat on a speaker phone, she snapped and said the horrible things she wanted to say. Everyone heard it, but she didn't feel bad about it. Then, I was in this dormitory with Slythiren theme everywhere. Even my clothes matched to it. However, I was not happy with it; saying how it wasn't right. I tried to wander into the Hufflepuff area, but was pulled back by a Slythiren dean. She took me all the way to this purple room that looked like the back of a Spencer's. I said something about it before she dragged me to these plushies and started praying after putting one in my hand.

I get transported to a world to where it has been 3D modeled. I wasn't the only one who would brought there. I took charge of how it was going to work because I have some clue as to what I'm talking about. At some point I had a whole Pokémon team, but I can only remember a Delphox and a shiny Gardevoir.

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