Dreams: 4/25/21 - 4/28/21

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I was a Minecraft duck. I also went to places however they were brief. There was a system but I was a duck so it didn't matter.

I was heading towards a spaceship to board. I have my dad, mom, and brother with me. Course I also see mommy, Draven, my ex Trey, and a long lost grandfather who has been separated from the family for so long. I sit next to the grandfather and tell him I'm his grandchild. While on the ship, I mostly hang out with mommy and Draven in the food court. I see many other characters from TF2 and Overwatch. One of the many Spies got headshot. I become this boy name Cookie, and walked in on his parents having sex. Quickly walked us and joined the other at the food court; asking if anyone could easily find a way for him to forget what had happened. The answer became a plate of mashed potatoes, steak, and a slice of some pie.

I was back in the Shelbyville neighborhood, however the layout had changed dramatically. TeaBee, Tommyinit I believe, and a chameleon girl were my neighbors. Though, Tommy was getting chased everywhere by some of the others. Somehow he lost them in a mini maze that you would build for toddlers near Halloween. I sorta help to confuse the chasers before seeing the girl. Sometimes she seem invisible like a set of floating clothes. I told her that if she had any problems, she could always talk to me. TeaBee was someone she seem close to. Couldn't focus on that much as I got word from either him or my cousin that Dream, or someone on that server, had held their family captive and they needed to join the server to save them.

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