... falls down [tw]

428 26 9

TRIGGER WARNING CONTENT: overdose/implied attempt



Taehyung took a step back but Somi was faster, her eyes teary as she wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. He awkwardly patted her back as she mumbled about missing seeing his stoic and scary face. He didn't think his young secretary had liked him much but apparently, she did. She got a hold of herself, pulling back, apologizing, and kept bowing in front of him. The chuckle heard let him know that Yoongi had seen the exchange.

"Somi, I thought you were afraid of Taehyung?"

"Are you kidding? Kim Taehyung is an angel compared to his father and Mr. Bae. They started treating me like I was their secretary and trying to 'get' information from me about you and Miss Park. Don't worry, my lips were sealed shut." 

Somi made a motion of zipping her lips, locking it, and then throwing away the imaginary key. He laughed, taking her by surprised because he found her actions amusing. He watched her mouth slowly drop. He couldn't blame her. He never smiled much even though he didn't realize how much he appreciated her until he was in Bangkok.

"Mr. Min, is this real? Am I dreaming? Pinch me!" 

Somi was being loud and exaggerating that even Yoongi rolled his eyes, telling her to go back to her desk because the phone had kept ringing. She saluted Yoongi and walked over, picking up the phone and getting to work.

Taehyung sighed, looking to his old office space. He had a floor to himself. He had missed the familiarity of it all. He walked around, going to the conference room and quirking a brow at seeing a new table. He made his way to his office and the furniture had all been switched out. What had Irene done? At least his picture frames had remained but why change the couches, desk, coffee table, and chairs? She even changed the side cabinets that he didn't use. He turned to look at Yoongi.

"Irene took liberty in changing everything for the sake of everyone's personal hygiene." Taehyung gave him a confused look. "She wasn't sure what surfaces you and Joy decided to be sexual on, so she just changed it all."

"What?!" he exclaimed in an odd sort of embarrassed shock. "She can't honestly think we were active in here. Who even told her?"

"If I recall correctly, I did find out about you and Joy when I heard you in the conference room and Somi did see your silhouettes in different parts of this office before. She may not have been wrong."

"Yeah okay, the couch and the conference room table but not everything else. We weren't that wild."

"Ewww, yeah good thing I just switched everything."

Taehyung slowly turned, glaring at Irene because of her comment and because she wasn't even supposed to be there. "Why are you here?"

"Rude. Look we may not be engaged but I am still older. Show some respect. Also, you think I would not come with Seokjin as he testifies against my family? Of course, I would. I even made a small appearance today in court with Eunhee. You should have seen the look on my mother's eyes when she recognized me. I handed her an envelope. Even if they aren't jailed, I'm having a restraining order. They're not allowed in my daughter's life."

Concupiscence ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon