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18+ MATURE CONTENT WARNING: crude language, slight sexual situation

        At least five more weeks had passed. Yerim calling, was no surprise to her. She didn't like contacting them much, still. She would sometimes send a smile or an "okay" as a reply to her friends telling her to take care of herself. She would search the news, knowing the trials were over. The Bae's were to pay off their embezzlement and serve time. Mrs. Bae was sentenced six months but had to pay for the grief she caused Jin's family to live through. Mr. Bae was sentences two years, while Yeojung had been tried for murder.

Sooyoung didn't find it fair. Mr. Bae had played a part in the death of Taehyung's mother, but only Yeojung and Taehyung's father were taking the blame.

She looked towards the front door. Taehyung had left earlier that morning. Sighing, hoping he wouldn't come home drunk and crying like he did when he had to testify against his father. She looked to her phone, seeing how adamant Yerim was being about getting in contact with her. It was the third time she called. She picked up, breathing as her friend yelled out her name.

"Park Sooyoung! Do you know how much I've fucking missed you?! Do you know how hard it is to try to pick a color scheme for a wedding without you? I can't do that girly shit. That's all you! I need you!"

She felt the corner of her lips raise a little at the outburst and overdramatic words. Yerim, was girly, more than her friend probably knew she was. Jungkook was the reason. Yerim had always been more girly whenever Jungkook was involve. "I think you're exaggerating."

"I am not. I felt betrayed! When I heard that Irene was able to see and talk to you, do you know how much that hurt? I've been your number one bitch, along with Wendy for years. Years! And you talk to Irene—the one you thought took your man—first? It's outrageous!"

"I didn't choose to see her; she came to see Taehyung and left Eunhee."

"You still saw her! She gushed about it and had I not been distracted by Eunhee, I would have slugged her across her pretty little face."

Sooyoung chuckled, shaking her head. "Don't lie, Jungkook would have stopped you."

"Ah, right!" there was a pause followed by some movement. "You know what today is, right?"

She had to think about it. She had stopped paying attention to time for a bit. It was yesterday when she noticed she had spent the month of August, inside Taehyung's home. She knew what day it was. "It's the first of September."

"Exactly! It's Kookie's birthday and we would really like to see you."

"What are you planning?" she was weary of how they would treat her.

"We were planning on going to Taehyung's club. We can rent out a room if you want. I just want to spend time with friends. Wendy and Yoongi will be there. So will Seunghee. Namjoon will be there too. Along with a bunch of Jungkook's friends. Don't worry, not Mingyu."

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