stay with me

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          "Our PR team will do everything we can to avoid a scandal or this turning into one. The previous news will be said to be media play to bring attention away from the ongoing trial and Bae Industries going bankrupt."

Taehyung merely nodded to the head of PR. He had come to an agreement with Park Couture's PR team a few days prior. He was able to talk to Tiffany and their team, to find out what their real angle was for having revealed Jimin and Sooyoung's relationship. It had been a PR move to gain the new line, more attention. The news would retract any information regarding Jimin and Sooyoung. They would instead release information that Jimin's girlfriend has yet to be seen and he wants to keep his relationship private as it is new. It worked considering Jimin did take himself and Seulgi to Jeju so she could avoid any sort of backlash for at least a few weeks. From what Seunghee told him, Jimin was going to assume responsibility of the child and Seulgi, as he should.

He wasn't the biggest fan of Jimin being with Seulgi. Seulgi had her own pain. She was pregnant and got pregnant with a man who didn't love her, although she loved him. He knew, from her text messages when he would ask how she was doing and she would ask how Sooyoung was doing, that Seulgi was heartbroken. He felt for her. He was in a similar boat, taking care of someone who did not love him. He could sympathize with Seulgi and she with him.

The last time he messaged her was five days ago. She got mad at him for joking about how they really should have given each other a chance. He just wanted her to smile and joke around—even if life did seem bleak.

No one was happy with Jimin. Taehyung didn't want to care, but the way everyone seemed to turn their back on Jimin was like how people turned their backs on him when his mother died. He told everyone that they shouldn't be too harsh because he knows personal guilt is enough to destroy a man and Jimin was at least trying to do what was right from his choices. One thing Jimin did not do that could have made thing worse, was run away.

"Mr. Kim, is it true she is staying in your building?"

Taehyung looked to his PR team, all their faces expectant since they knew Sooyoung, shrugging, he answered. "Isn't it better to just let rumors, be rumors?"

He stood up, giving them a cheeky smile as one of them mumbled that he had changed so much. Had he? 

Ten days had passed. Sooyoung had only been kept overnight but then released that following afternoon if she had someone to watch her. The decision on where she would stay took a lot of debate and talking. He sat there, looking at the list of precautions the doctor had given him. The same that he read when his mother had attempted. He remembered them vividly. Reading them again and for another woman he loved, made his heart heavy. More than anything, he felt so useless in not avoiding this kind of pain coming to Sooyoung. He honestly thought that Jimin, was the right man for her.

All of them had offered their homes, but him, at least not aloud.

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