marriage is a slow death [m]

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18+ MATURE CONTENT WARNING: slight sexual scene

          She felt the massive headache. She should not have drunk.

Sooyoung awoke with a start, sitting up and sighing when she noticed her dress still on. Hand to her chest as she exhaled and looked around the room. It was black and grey with tones of white. The room was big. Bigger than the hotel room she stayed in, and she knew it belong to someone rich. She turned to the side table but there wasn't anything that said whose home she was in.

She groaned, holding her head as she tried to remember the previous night events. Why did she even start drinking and how did she end up where she was? She thought back to her elated feelings.


She had drunk because of Taehyung, because for one solid moment she felt like she meant something to him. It didn't feel like they had just sex like before—to want an escape. It was different. It had almost felt like he had made love to her, and she allowed herself to believe it. Believe that Taehyung caught feelings for her and not wanted to stop because he wasn't afraid of liking her and being with her. She smiled bitterly. That small fleeting moment ripped from her when she saw Rosé again.

Who was she kidding? Of course, Taehyung would still be in love with her; he never got over her. She was a replacement for her. Once again, Park Sooyoung—she—herself, had lost to Park Chaeyoung. A prettier, slimmer, more appealing woman than her. Appealing enough to seduce Sehun. Appealing enough for Jungkook to date her. Appealing enough ... to have Kim Taehyung, the man she likes, still love her.

She sighed, wiping at her stupid tears. Now was not the time to cry. She needed to figure out where she was and how she got there. She also needed to know why this rich person didn't do anything to her. Not that she was complaining, but the room she was in did not seem to be a female. Yet again, she couldn't really judge for sure if it was a female's or male's room.

Swinging her legs over the side, she stood, noting how the bed was raised higher than the rest of the room. Two steps were needed before reaching the level of the bed. Yes. This was a very expensive home. She looked around and noticed some clothing at the foot of the bed she could change into. She grabbed them.

She made her way around the room, trying to look for signs and stumbled into the bathroom. She gasped at her reflection. Messy hair, smeared mascara. Quickly she washed up, trying to tame her hair, and washing off the remaining makeup. She inspected herself again, looking a lot more presentable, having put on the clothing that too big for her and decided to use the mouth wash to rid her mouth of the alcohol taste and hopefully not scare her kind host away.

When she was done, she smelled food. Not just any food, but kimchi jjigae. Her mouth started to salivate, and she walked towards it. Whoever was cooking, was a great cook. The sound of her grumbling stomach was loud. She hoped that no one heard. When she reached the end of the hall, having passed at least three rooms, she peeked her head in the direction she figured the kitchen was. There stood a man. He was wearing a white t-shirt and sweats. He looked casual; his hair looked damp as if he had come back from working out.

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