encounter [m]

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18+ MATURE CONTENT WARNING: foul language and implied sexual situations.

        "You need to loosen up a little. Live a little." 

Sooyoung groaned at her friend. She regretted having given her the code to her apartment. Her week had been a long one. A really long one. Almost every day for at least an hour, she had to go up to the conference room. She still wasn't sure how she felt about the up-and-coming CEO. He was really quiet and listened to everything Yoongi and Kyungsoo would pitch in. Majority of the time she took the notes, later to put them in a file for when the presentation was needed. It was hard to concentrate when she could feel his gaze on her.

She was formally introduced to Kim Taehyung on the second day. He held her hand for too long and when they made eye contact, he chose that exact time to lick his lips. She had to control herself from having her knees buckle. He was being suggestive, and she knew he was. She could only breathe when she was seated between her two, team members. He sat across from her and every so often he would glance at her with hooded eyes. She swore internally because just from his stare she was weak. 

He was hot. Kim Taehyung was hot, and he exuded sex appeal. She hated how responsive her body was to just a stare and lick of the lips. She could only imagine what it would be like if he actually touched her and kissed her. Sooyoung had to refrain those thoughts and was not proud of the fact that last night he had been the object of her wet dream. 

Needless to say, she did not want to go out. She wanted to stay in and just lay on her bed. Maybe watch a movie or something cheesy that would make her cry over a tub of ice cream because she was alone and lonely. Too lonely—if Kim Taehyung was invading her fantasies. Alas, her friend Yerim was very persistent and knew exactly what words to say. 

"Kook is inviting Mingyu, so you should come." 

Sooyoung perked up and got ready. Her Achilles hit. She met Yerim in her apartment complex, back in the days of her college years. She lived across the hall then too. She knew Jungkook from college and almost had a drunken night with him, but she ended up throwing up in his car and that kind of killed the vibe for both of them. They instead became friends and whenever he needed to get out of a sticky situation with a girl—she was there to rescue him. She introduced Jungkook to Yerim—years ago. To this day, Sooyoung still has no clue what their relationship status was. 

"Why must you know my weakness?"

"Look, you need to get laid. You wake up with your hair all in a mess and you're so frustrated you snap at us. Either masturbate to Mingyu's name or actually get the man. He has the hots for you too." 

Sooyoung threw a pillow at her friend. Her vibrator had looked tempting, but she resisted—she was not that desperate, and she went years without even knowing what it felt like. She could get through this dry spell just fine. She was just cranky from work and life in general. 

She had pictured her life a little different. The only thing she had that was right was her job. At 24 she thought she would get a good job, be dating the love of her life so that by 26 she would be married and by 28 they would have their first child. It wasn't panning that way. Her last boyfriend, Sehun, was from her junior year of college. He was the love of her life, but he decided that he really wanted to study abroad and so—he chose America over her and it broke her heart. 

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