epilogue: euphoria

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"I wish you were here, so bad. I miss you."

"I miss you too, Tae. It's so empty here without you."

"This time it feels so long! Why couldn't you be here with me? Don't you want to be here?"

"Tae, you know why I couldn't go with you. The news would be all over it. We agreed to keep a low profile."

"I know, I know. I can still wish you were here with me. My bed is so empty without you. I swear, I am always cold when you're not beside me."

Sooyoung wanted nothing more than to squish Taehyung as she watched him whine and pout through her phone screen. Talking almost every day was not enough. She wanted him beside her too, but things were taking off in California. Other than Taehyung having to travel for the business to the USA, the opening of their hotels finally occurred and he was gone more months of the year than not. Luckily, she was able to attend the trips of the hotel openings with him. With all of that done, now all focus was in expanding to California. It meant he had been gone for at least six months, and counting.

"Do you know when you'll be able to come home?" she was hoping for a definite answer. The last few times she asked, he had said his stay was indefinite and she did not like that one bit.

"No. I did ask, though. They asked why I kept wanting to know when I could go back ... so I told them. I told them about you."

"Was that smart, Tae?"

She watched him shrug as he yawned. "They didn't really make a big deal out of it. They actually seemed to understand, they have seen the articles about us. Surprised it wasn't some media play."

She hummed, seeing as he yawned again. It was late there. He needed to sleep and she knew it. With a pout, she spoke again. "You need rest Tae. I can see how tired you are from here. I don't want to worry about you getting sick or not eating enough. I have more than enough things to stress and worry about. I don't want to worry about you."

"Okay. I am eating. Trust me, I am healthy, just missing you badly. Don't stress too much, you need to rest and be careful. I love you, I'll talk to you when I have time, before you go to sleep."

"I love you too. Sleep well, Taehyung."

She ended the call after having blown a kiss and seeing how he smiled tiredly. She did miss him too much. She wanted nothing more than to have him wrap his arms around her as she slept. Their home felt too empty without him. She was grateful for Haetnim and Yeontan, though. They made her a little less lonely. It wasn't that she didn't have things to do, she did. But she was currently on break from modeling for Park Couture and had finished a pictorial for Hyun Cosmetics the previous day, it was done in her home because she didn't risk going out too much, especially not Hyun Cosmetics, where she is expected.

That also means she was working from home for Kim Co., Kyungsoo and Yoongi liked to tease her about how she had to keep a low profile.

Sighing, she closed her eyes, throwing her head back on the couch as she heard the doorbell sound. She sat up, she had ordered something for their home and it could be the delivery. Making her way towards the door, she could hear the pattering of their dogs as they followed behind her. She looked at their camera, seeing no one but a tiny hand. Part of her knew who it was and part of her still held animosity towards this very person. Regardless, she opened the door.

"Hey Joy, I have a-whoa. Seunghee was not lying when she said it looks like you're going to pop any moment."

It was Jimin and with him, in his arms and waving cutely at her was his five-year-old son, Minhwa. He had Seulgi's eyes and Jimin's cheeks and lips. He was a cute little boy, she adored him. She did adore him more whenever Jimin was not around. Her scowl must have given away her dislike of seeing him outside of her home and not with Seulgi.

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