New Roommate

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/Yaowen broke his bed so he was looking for a new room/

Yaowen= *knocks on Chengxin and Jiaqi’s door*

Chengxin= *opens door* what do you want at this time of the night? *Rubbing eyes*

Yaowen=ah I broke my bed so I need somewhere to sleep for the night. Can I join you guys?

Jiaqi= *from inside* no…

Chengxin=sure why not!? I don’t want my baby having no place to sleep

Yaowen=yay!!! *runs in and drops himself on Jiaqi’s bed*

Jiaqi= *grabs blanket and gets up* I guess I’m taking the couch. *Groans*

Chengxin=Jiaqi! Wait!

Jiaqi= *was about to walk out* yes?

Chengxin=please leave the blanket behind, I don’t want him feeling cold.

Jiaqi= *glares at Chengxin and throws blanket on bed* fine, I’m out. *Walks out* Chengxin doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into.

Chengxin= *tucks Yaowen in* goodnight Yaowen.


/Chengxin turns off the light and they start sleeping, later in the middle of the night/

Yaowen= *screams*

Chengxin= *wakes up* are you ok?

Yaowen=yeah, yeah, I’m fine. *Continues to sleep*


/10 minutes later/

Yaowen= *screams*

Chengxin=Yaowen! Are you okay? *Gets out of bed and stands next to Yaowen’s bed* are you okay…?

Yaowen=aaaaaaah!!!! Oh it’s just you, yes I’m fine.

Chengxin=please don’t scream again, you’re disturbing my sleep. *Returns to bed*

/Later, Chengxin heard the scream again and can’t take it/

/Gets out of bed and removed Yaowen’s blanket/

Chengxin=what the hell are you doing Yaowen!? What’s so scary in here that you keep screaming!?

Yaowen= *sighs* I’m sorry Chengxin, it’s just that ever since we went to that haunted house during TFfamily FriFriday, I’ve always get nightmares in the middle of the night. I didn’t mean to disturb you…

Chengxin=I can’t sleep.

Yaowen= *stands* It’s okay, I’ll just go. I’ll sleep on my broken bed.


Yaowen=even though my back will probably ache. *walking out sadly*

*slowly closing door*


Chengxin=never mind! You can stay! Curse my soft heart!

Yaowen=thank you! Thank you! *Gets back in bed*

/The next morning at breakfast/

Zhenyuan=wow Chengxin, why are you looking like you haven't slept for days?

Chengxin=I don’t wanna talk abou it.

Yaxuan=let me guess, you shared a room with YAOWEN???

Chengxin=take your roommate back! I’m begging you! *Almost ripping his hair out*

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