TNT when you're in the Hospital

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Jiaqi: babe, I'm here to see you! (Walks in flowers and balloons) 

You: aww thanks for visiting. 

Jiaqi: guess who I brought along.

You: please don't tell me you...

Jiaqi: Liujin! Your favorite dog in the whole world! (Holding out dog in front of you)

You: I don't even think dogs are allowed in the hospital, and he's your favorite dog in the world not mine. 

Jiaqi: come on, you know you wanted to see him.

You: you just didn't want to leave him home alone.

Jiaqi: hehe, maybe. 


Chengxin: (walks in) I want you out of this hospital right now!

You: why?

Chengxin: because I'm going to take better care for you at my house.

You: but Chengxin, I need the care of the nurses and doctors.

Chengxin: Are you doubting my abilities? I take care of 6 nutcases, I'm pretty sure I can take care of one girl.

You: this is a health issue! 

Chengxin: (packing your things) if you doubt me one more time, I'm gonna overturn your bed.


Yaxuan: Y/N! Gosh, I missed you! (Runs over) Guess what I brought for you!

You: chocolate!?

Yaxuan: no...myself. (Smiles) You know, a friend is much more valuable than chocolate.

You: oh right. 

Yaxuan: So...I'm gonna read poems that I wrote for you! Friendship poems! 

You: (bored) oh, that will be great. 

Yaxuan: I wrote 50 of them because I care about you so much! (Starts reading)

You: It's gonna be a loooong day.


Yaowen: (walks in) Y/N! I'm here to see you! 

Y/N: thanks for visiting Yaowen...

Yaowen: (widens eyes) yikes! You look terrible!

Y/N: um, I know.

Yaowen: honestly if you looked like this, I wouldn't have dated you. Oh my goodness. 

Y/N: um...okay.

Yaowen: you're going to look pretty again once you get better right? (Nervous) please tell me you'll get pretty again.


He's the reason you got in the hospital in the first place

Zhenyuan: (enters nervously) are you feeling any better now? I'm really sorry about what happened.

You: I broke several bones but I'll be okay. 

Zhenyuan: I'm so sorry! I didn't know that that hug would hurt you!

You: Zhenyuan, you literally jumped on me.

Zhenyuan: I was excited to see you. 


(Still hasn't come to see you so you decide to text him)

Haoxiang, why haven't you come to see me? I'm in the hospital you know.

Oh you're still alive? I thought you'd be dead by now.

You're so dark o_o so are you coming since I'm alive?

Oh no, you might be dead in ten minutes and it will take me more than ten minutes to get there. I might not be able to see you :D 


Junlin: Y/N! I brought you food! (Sits on your bed next to you)

You: aw thanks. (Takes food)

Junlin: can I eat with you?

You: sure! I'm going to the bathroom first, one second. (Walks out to bathroom then returns) 

Junlin: oh I'm sorry Y/N! I finished all your food! Will get you more food next time though! 

You: you finished all the food? *annoyed af* 

Junlin: I did bring it for you, I did have the right to eat it.

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