If They Had Their First Crush

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Jiaqi: hmm, what is this weird feeling I feel in my heart? Welp, better ignore it before it ruins things.


Chengxin: oh trying to distract me from taking care of my band mates I see! *To girl* you have failed!!!

Girl: ???


Yaxuan: wow, that girl...I want to ride ponies with her and make the world a better place with her. We'll plant so many trees...

Girl: hi...

Yaxuan: will you marry me!?


Yaowen: *about to walk over to her to ask her out*

Chengxin: I see you Yaowen! Come back here!

Yaowen: oh man.


Zhenyuan: oh so my hormones have started becoming active and making me attracted to girls. If I date this girl, chances are high our relationship will end in heartbreak and silly emotions, because most people aren't mature enough to date until the age of 23. Better not try anything. *Continues reading book*


Haoxiang: *hates the girl for making him feel that way*

Girl: hey.

Haoxiang: *glares*


Junlin: OMG she's so pretty! Am I actually finding someone prettier than me? *Likes her yet is jealous of her at the same time*

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