Thank You!

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Ehem, so this is not an update but it's something pretty important. Well, not that important, you can skip if you want to.

I read this comment earlier today:

So anyway, this comment really warmed my heart because I found it really beautiful and amazing that you guys enjoy my books

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So anyway, this comment really warmed my heart because I found it really beautiful and amazing that you guys enjoy my books. This message isn't just for the person who commented, it's for the all the people who read my books (even the silent readers, yes).

Well I've been writing since I was 11, and I've always enjoyed writing. But what's more is that I write as a way of escaping and it really relaxes me. It's just amazing that you guys would take time to read, vote and comment on my book when writing is just an activity I thought I do to unwind.

This year and last year haven't been the best for me, but when I read all your comments and see that you people are genuinely enjoying it, it really makes me feel happy. I appreciate every single read, vote and comment and I surely don't take you readers for granted. I'm not a very good author but you guys surely make me feel like one.

So thank you for taking time to read my trash guys! I really appreciate it!

Thank you so much!! 

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