Dear Yaowen

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Once upon a time, there was Yaowen who wanted to be cool. But somehow, he just wasn't cool enough. The coolest kid in school, Haoxiang, didn't want anything to have to do with him.

One day, Haoxiang handed Yaowen a note. It was folded up, but Yaowen could see the imprint of the words "Dear Yaowen"

Yaowen: thank you!!!! Thank you so much!!!!

Yaowen happily ran off, knowing that receiving a letter from Haoxiang was his first step to becoming a popular student.

Yaowen wanted to open it but he wanted to read it after school so that he could savour the moment. He was so excited that day that he could not focus in class. What could the message be? That he could finally join the popular team?

When Yaowen got to his dorm, he excitedly walked into his room and jumped on his bed. His roommate Junlin was also in the room sitting on his bed.

Excitedly, Yaowen opened the letter:

Dear Yaowen's roommate...

It read. Yaowen immediately felt angry and sour. Clearly he misread the situation. This letter was not for him, it was for his roommate Junlin.

Junlin: why are you glaring at me?

Yaowen: nothing! But I want to move out to the empty room! I don't want to be your roommate any longer.

Junlin: why? :(

Yaowen: I just don't want to!

So Yaowen packed up his bags and moved to the next empty room, where he would be alone. Since he was now alone, he was his own roommate. So now the letter was meant for him, Haoxiang did not specify any name after all.

Yaowen smiled and started to read the letter again:

Dear Yaowen's rommate,

I think you're really cool and we would make great friends. Would you like to become friends with me?

Yaowen: yes I would love to!


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