if TNT had kids

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Jiaqi - Son
Kid: dad!!! I want to know the truth!

Jiaqi: yes son?

Kid: who do you love between me and your dog?

Jiaqi: Y/N! The kid is asking weird questions again! *Runs off*

Chengxin - Daughter
Chengxin: okay honey, go to school and make new friends...

Kid: ok...

Chengxin: just don't make friends with the dumb kids.

Or the rebels.

Or the boys.

Or the kids who are too smarter than you, they can bring you down.

And especially don't make friends with my bandmates' kids! They are terrible! Monsters.

Yaxuan - son
Son: dad, where do babies come from?

Yaxuan: that's a good question :D I don't know. Let's watch Boss Baby to find out.

Yaowen - son
Yaowen: for once someone as handsome as me in this world! *Carries son* I don't know if I'm happy having someone as goodlooking as me or not -.- alas Yaowen, you are no longer special.

Zhenyuan - daughter
Zhenyuan: come on my little one, you can't be making gramaticcal mistakes like that.

Wife: she's only 6 months old, she can't even speak.

Zhenyuan: well the earlier the better!

Haoxiang - son
Haoxiang: ...

Son: ...

Wife: *walks in* do you two ever talk!?

Junlin - daughter
Junlin: prom night already!? We are gonna have so much fun!

Kid: what do you mean "we"?

Junlin: i mean I'm coming with you! It will be so much fun! Can't wait to be crowned homecoming queen.

Kid: ???

Junlin: i mean for you to get crowned homecoming queen, hehe.

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