TNT Calling Emergency Services + Answers

162 9 26

Operator=911, how may we help you?

Jiaqi=my dog is missing!

Operator=sir, 911 is for emergencies...

Jiaqi=this is an emergency! My dog is missing.

Operator=is this dog dangerous?


TNT= *laughing from other room*

Jiaqi=you guys hid my dog from me!? Not funny! *Hangs up*


Operator=911, how may we help you?

Chengxin=I just...I need someone to talk to.


Chengxin=do you understand how stressed I am?! I'm a mess. I hardly have time for myself, and the people whom I give time to don't even appreciate it!


Chengxin=don't you get it? You're just like me. We're those people who don't get appreciated enough. *Silence on other end* hello?


Operator=911, how may we help you?

Yaxuan=I'm just greeting everyone on my contact list today. How are you doing today? Always remember to be happy : D

Operator=um...sure. Thank you sir.


Operator=911, what's your emergency?

Yaowen=so um...I have a situation. I haven't done the chores and Chengxin will be back in 5 minutes.

Operator=I'm sorry sir, 911 is for emergencies...

Yaowen=this is an emergency!

Operator=life-threatening emergencies.

Yaowen=you think this isn't life threatening!? Chengxin will murder me!

Operator=goodbye sir. *Hangs up*


Operator=911, what's your emergency?

Zhenyuan=so there's a hole in the wall.

Operator=what happened?

Zhenyuan=well I accidentally punched the wall. *Checking hole*

Operator=you can call a maintenance service for that...

Zhenyuan=well I thought 911 would be faster! We have a hole in the wall and it's late at night, I don't think it's safe for us to spend the entire night like this.


Operator=911, what's your emergency?

Haoxiang=there's a party over here and it's really loud. You gotta stop them because this party is being a disturbance.

Operator=so there's a party at your neighbor's house?

Haoxiang=no, they're in here.

Operator=well how did they get in your house?

Haoxiang=they're my band mates! Are you going to help or not!?


Operator=911, what's your emergency?

Junlin=shouldn't you be the one telling me that?

Operator=excuse me?

Junlin=you're the one who called me!

Operator=no sir, you must be mistaking.

Junlin=I'm not!

*Actually butt-dialled 911*


1. Yaxuan

2. Haoxiang

3. Jiaqi

4. Zhenyuan

5. Junlin

6. Yaowen

7. Chengxin

Well, congratulations to those who got it right! Yay!

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