TNT as your Assistants

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Jiaqi: *extremely helpful assistant but makes jokes while you're working* boss I have another joke!
You: not now I'm working!
Jiaqi: what do you call a man who cuts hair?
You: i said I'm working!
Jiaqi: just answer.

Chengxin: *doing your job for you*
You: hey that's not your job. And you're doing it wrong.
Chengxin: no you're the one doing it wrong!
You: -_- seriously stop doing that.

Yaxuan: *standing next to your table with a smile* can I get you something?
You: nothing you can sit.
Yaxuan: *still standing there with a smile*
You: *uncomfortable*

Yaowen: *spends all his time on the cellphone*
You: *walks in* Yaowen I told you to bring me coffee 30 minutes ago!
Yaowen: right, just give me ten more minutes. *scrolling through phone*

Zhenyuan: *just too perfect to be an assistant* hey Y/N! I've been promoted to your job! You're my assistant now :)

Haoxiang: *the assistant you're scared of*
You: Haoxiang can you get me...?
Haoxiang: *glares*
You: never mind I'll get it myself. (●__●)

Junlin: *the assistant who's always judging your outfits*
You: *walks in*
Junlin: no.
You: what?
Junlin: that outfit. No.

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