Superhero Yaxuan

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Yaxuan: you know what i wanna be when I grow up?

Chengxin: not an idol?

Yaxuan: no! I wanna be a superhero.

Jiaqi: but you can't be a superhero, they don't exist.

Yaxuan: oh yeah? Then who's spiderman?

Jiaqi: a movie character -_-

Chengxin: shush! That's a great dream Yaxuan, I'll support you.

Yaxuan: thanks! I really want to help people! I should go develop my powers! *Runs out*

Chengxin: we have to support his dreams Jiaqi, let's let him believe in what he wants.

Jiaqi: fine whatever. *Looks at TV*


Yaxuan: guys! I developed my powers!

Jiaqi: wha...?

Chengxin: well that's good, like what?

Yaxuan: I can move objects with my mind.

Chengxin: well that's good. *Smiles nervously*

Yaxuan: let me show you! *Puts fingers on temples* I'm trying to move that glass jug.

/Nothing happens/

Yaxuan: oh powers...

Chengxin: *whispers to Jiaqi with gritted teeth* do something...

Jiaqi: /Throws rock at jug and it falls off table/

Yaxuan: hooray! It's working! :D

Chengxin: hooray! And now my jug is broken ಥ‿ಥ

Yaxuan: I'm sorry, I promise I'll get you a new one! *Runs off*

Chengxin: seriously Jiaqi!? You had to break the jug!? *Picking pieces*

Jiaqi: *shrugs* what did you expect me to do??


Yaxuan: I've found out another super power! Repelling evil!

Chengxin: oh that's good :) at least nothing will get destroyed this time.

Yaxuan: it's like when evil people see me, they just go away.

Jiaqi: oh like Haoxiang?

Yaxuan: exactly. Wanna see?

Chengxin & Jiaqi: no...

Yaxuan: you'll see!!!!! Call him!!!

Chengxin: *sighs* Haoxiang! Come over here!

Jiaqi: I have a bad feeling he'll find out his powers aren't real.

Haoxiang: *walks in* what???

Yaxuan: stay back you evil!

Haoxiang: gosh Yaxuan! You're too loud! *Walks out*

Yaxuan: see? :D

Chengxin/Jiaqi: we see :D

Yaxuan: *runs out*

Chengxin: I won't be able to do take this one more time.


Yaxuan: guys! Guys! I've developed another super power! Invisibility.

Jiaqi: you sure are a hero with all powers in the world. *Eye roll*

Yaxuan: check it out. I am activating my powers.

Chengxin: *whispers to Jiaqi* let's pretend for his sake.

Yaxuan: can you see me!?

Jiaqi: wow Yaxuan, where'd you go? -_- I can't see you!

Yaxuan: really!?

Chengxin: *turns to window* where did you go Yaxuan?

Yaxuan: I'm over here! :D let me deactivate my powers! Done!

Chengxin: *turns to him* that was amaziiiiiiiiiiiing.

Jiaqi: so cool -_-

/The next day/

Yaowen: whoa!!! I heard Yaxuan is a superhero and developed new powers! Guess what!? I am too!

Chengxin: that's great!

Yaowen: my power is flying! Let me show u!

Jiaqi/Chengxin: *look at each other nervously* how are we gonna do this?

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