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A/N: So first of allll guys, thanks for the questions LOL. But please don’t take these answers very seriously because…well it’s just for fun! If you want real advice, talk to someone you trust. There’s going to be real crappy answers here.

So anyway let’s begin

Jiaqi=hello fans! We are TNT and…

Yaowen=pretty sure they know we are TNT, you didn’t have to mention our name.

Jiaqi=of course not everyone knows us…

Yaowen=you literally said FANS!!! Why wouldn’t FANS know us!?

Jiaqi=okay, you know what, let’s start, let’s start. *Grabs Laptop*

Question: I’ve gone to a new school and I don’t really know how to make new friends. I had a huge circle at my old school but this is so different. How will I begin to make new friends?

Jiaqi=good question! Just be friendly to them and they’ll be friendly to you. (Smiles)

Chengxin=that’s not always the case. I suggest you buy cupcakes and share them to the entire class! Everyone will want to be friends with you if you do that.

Jiaqi=why should she make cupcakes just to have friends? That’s trying too hard.

Yaxuan=I think you should just smile at them, a smile goes a long way you know.

Jiaqi=so she should randomly smile at people like an idiot? The schoolmates are gonna think she’s insane.

Yaxuan=that’s not true, do people think I’m insane?


Haoxiang=the actual answer should be “you don’t need friends” (Shrugs)

Jiaqi=okay don’t listen to him *slightly shoves Haoxiang* I think the right friends come naturally. Soon you won’t even have to try, you’ll just realize you have friends.

Chengxin=no I think…

Jiaqi=next question! *scrolling*

Question: I have three siblings and they annoy me like hell. What can I do to get along with them more?

Yaowen=oh, siblings are like friends you didn’t choose. If I were you I would just lock myself in my room and never meet them again.

Zhenyuan=you do know that’s impossible right? I think it’s easy to get along with your siblings once you find some common ground. Like maybe you both like a certain show or some kind of music.

Yaowen=the problem is what if you don’t even like the same things!?

Junlin=the cool thing about having siblings is that you can gossip about your other siblings together. Trust me! Gossip makes people closer.

Yaowen=really? Who do you and Haoxiang gossip about?

Junlin=who else? (Whispers) Chengxin.

Chengxin=I heard that!

Question: I really hate school and I can’t bring myself to like it. How can I get to like school more?

Yaxuan=whoa! What you are saying is impossible. That’s like asking “how can I grow wings”? It’s impossible!

Chengxin= (glares) no, you can get to like school if you have the correct mind-set about it. School is your future, school is your hope, school is the only thing…

Jiaqi=thank you! You’re beginning to sound like my dad right now! Just stop already.

Haoxiang=honestly no one normal really likes school, we just endure it.

Jiaqi=I actually kind of like school…

Haoxiang=yeah that’s why I said “no one NORMAL”


Jiaqi=so that’s all for today! Please ask us more questions next time! We love you!

TNT= (waving with smiles)

Haoxiang=Is it over? I held this smile so long that my mouth hurts.

Jiaqi= (turns off camera)

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