TNT Pick-Up Lines

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Jiaqi: So I heard you like Harry Potter. I’m not a wizard but I sure have my own kind of magic. *Winks*

Chengxin: *”accidentally” bumps into you* oh I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there. You’re Mary from my old school right?

You: no I’m Y/N.

Chengxin: oh Y/N, you really look like Mary. What’s your name if you’re not Mary then? In fact what’s your number?

No Mary even existed at his school...

Yaxuan: the only feeling I’ve ever felt is happiness but this is my first time feeling love! Let’s date and stay together forever!

Yaowen: whoa, I never thought I’d see such beauty on someone else other than myself. We were meant to be.

Zhenyuan: Grammar isn’t the only thing I can fix, I can also fix your heart.

You: I didn’t say it’s broken…

Haoxiang: you. Me. Date.

Junlin: How can you rock that dress more than Christina He (himself)? Guuurl.

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