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Chengxin= *runs into living room while others are watching TV* guys! Guys!


Chengxin=guess what!? Our older brothers are visiting today! TFBoys!

Jiaqi=wow awesome, when?

Chengxin=very soon, like in 30 minutes time! We have to be ready.

Yaowen=don’t worry, we’ll make them feel at home. We’re gonna fix everything up.

Yaxuan=and we’re going to give them the best entertainment!

Zhenyuan=because we’re so excited to see them too! So don’t worry about anything.

Chengxin=thanks guys, I appreciate it. *Walking to living room with smile then stops* on second thought, I don’t want you helping with anything. In fact, don’t do anything at all! Please! Don’t touch them, don’t talk to them and don’t do anything!

Junlin=but why…?

Chengxin=oh you don’t know why? Every time I tell you guys to help with something, I always regret it. You always mess things up!

Yaxuan=but we won’t this time.

Chengxin=no! And if you talk to them, I swear you’re dead meat!

/Knock is heard on the door/

Chengxin=oh that must be them. I already warned you right?

TNT: *nod nod*

Chengxin= *walks over to door and opens it* hi! TFBoys! You’re welcome!


/They walk in/

Chengxin= *overexcited* let me get you something in the kitchen! Hehe.

/Walks to kitchen and checks refrigerator/

Chengxin=oh damn, we’re out of food? Whose job is it to buy groceries!? *remembers it’s his job*
*angrily walks back to living room* hehe sorry brothers, I need to go and get some groceries. I’ll be back very soon. /Leaves/

/TFBoys sitting on the couch awkwardly/

Karry= *to other TNT members* so how are you guys doing? Wow, you’ve really grown.

TNT: …

Roy=yeah! I remember when you guys were just small trainees. Do you sometimes miss those days?

TNT: …

Roy: *awkwardly looking at floor*

TNT: *staring at TFBoys intently*

Jackson= how is life in this house?

TNT: …

Karry= *Whispering to Jackson* these kids are kind of weird.

/5 more minutes of staring and silence/

Roy= /To his members/ I’m feeling kind of creeped out, let’s get out of here.

Karry=thanks for saying it!

Jackson= *to TNT* we have to go!

/They rush towards the door and open it/

Chengxin= *was about to enter, holding bags of groceries, wide smile* what’s going on?

Karry=your band mates are kind of weird, they creeped us out with their staring and they didn’t say a thing. We are out of here!

Chengxin= *watching TFBoys leave* wait! Guys come on! I swear I’ll get rid of them!

/TFBoys is already gone, adios/

Chengxin= *crushes groceries then throws them to the ground* I knew they would mess things up!
*walks in angrily* what did you do!?

Jiaqi=what? We just did what you told us and stayed quiet. You said we shouldn’t talk to them.

Chengxin=so you decided to stare at them!?

Junlin=well you didn’t prohibit that.

Chengxin=you always mess things up! *Takes deep breath* Calm down Yaxuan, calm down. This kind of anger isn’t good for your health. *Walking out with balled fists*

Yaxuan= *shakes head* I’ll never understand what Chengxin wants.

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