TNT at The Hospital

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This time tables have turned and it's TNT in the
hospital with a broken leg and you visit them:

You: *walks in*

Jiaqi: Y/N! You're here! Remember what you promised me 2 months ago!? That if I ever get hospitalized you'll dress like Hermione for me.

You: I was just joking.

Jiaqi: well now you have no choice but to wear it.

You: where am I gonna get a Hermione outfit and wig...

Jiaqi: *takes clothes out of plastic bat*

You: when did you get this!?

Jiaqi: hehe (◍•ᴗ•◍)

You: don't tell me you broke your leg on purpose just so i could dress like Hermione!

Jiaqi: just do it!!!


You: (walks in) Chengxin, I'm here.

Chengxin: oh thanks Y/N. Plz take care of the boys while I'm away.

You: well I...

Chengxin: thanks, you're a lifesaver. Don't let them watch TV after 20:30, except Zhenyuan and Jiaqi. But don't let them have the volume too loud or the kids won't get proper sleep, make sure the volume is at 10.5. Yaowen needs his warm milk at 21:05 at a temperature of 35 degrees. Fluff Yaxuan's pillow 3 times and make sure he sleeps facing the right, if he faces the left he has bad dreams. Keep Haoxiang from telling the other guys horror stories please, you need to put him to bed earlier and he'll be tough but you have to force him, exactly 20:12. Don't let Junlin eat over 200 calories after 7 pm. Got it?

You: uh...

Chengxin: thanks. I knew I could trust you!


You: (walks in) how are you feeling Yaxuan? Why do you look so skinny?

Yaxuan: ^_^ I made some new bird friends. They come at my window every time I get a meal but that's okay. I'm so glad they give me company.

You: you let birds eat your food!? Yaxuan those are not friends, they're literally birds who are just eating your...

Yaxuan: don't try to ruin our friendship!


You: *walks in*

Yaowen: Y/N! Did you bring it!?

You: Yaowen...

Yaowen: I told you if you don't bring it I'll die! How could you do this!? Look my heart rate is going flat on the EKG!

You: relax! I brought it.

Yaowen: thank goodness, you're a life saver!

You: *hands him mirror from your bag* -_-

Yaowen: *quickly takes mirror and looks into it* hello there handsome, I missed you. I was going to die if I didn't see you!


You: Zhenyuan, how the hell did you break your leg? *Folds arms*

Zhenyuan: it's a long story.

You: I'm listening.

Zhenyuan: well, these other biker guys were speaking and their grammar was absolutely terrible. And I couldn't help it, i had to correct them. So they beat me up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You: why can't you stop correcting people's English!? *Whacks him with purse*

Zhenyuan: it was terrible Y/N! Who puts the color adjective before the descriptive adjective!?


You: *walking into Haoxiang's ward*

Nurse: don't go in there!

You: why?

Nurse: he's scary! He's a monster! He scares everyone even the doctor.

You: what? But I know Haoxiang.

Nurse: don't...

You: *opens door*

Haoxing: Y/N! You're here! (•‿•)

Nurse: smiles?


You: *walks in to Junlin eating* Junlin you're always eating.

Junlin: it's the only thing I can do to keep me happy.

You: *rolls eyes*

Junlin: did you bring me food?

You: ofcourse not...

Junlin: get out! *Points door*

You: excuse me?

Junlin: you're only seeing me if you bring food. So go get food if you wanna stay, otherwise this conversation is over! *Continues eating*

You: Junlin...

Junlin: don't make me call security on you!

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