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‘Hey guys, I’m going to the dentist,’ Jiaqi announced to his band mates as he approached the front door.

‘Have fun,’ Junlin teased.

‘I will,’ Jiaqi turned to Chengxin. ‘Please take care of Chai Liujin. Make sure you give him that walk at 10 am.’

‘Relax,’ Chengxin walked over to Jiaqi and put his hands on Jiaiqi’s shoulders. ‘Your dog is in safe hands.’

‘Okay I’ll trust you.’ Jiaqi turned around and left the house.

Meanwhile, all the other boys except Chengxin were watching TV while Chengxin cleaned up the kitchen. After washing dishes for a while, Chengxin noticed that the time was now 10am after checking the wall clock.

Chengxin walked into the living room where the boys were still focused on the TV. ‘Junlin and Yaxuan, do you mind taking Chai Liujin out for a walk?’

Junlin and Yaxuan looked at each other then back at Chengxin.

‘We do mind…’ Junlin started, but seeing Chengxin’s expression getting scarier, he decided to change the statement. ‘I mean of course! We’ll do anything you want us to!’

‘Good,’ Chengxin smiled and walked back into the kitchen.

‘Oh no, now we’re gonna miss this episode.’ Yaxuan complained as he got up from the couch.

‘I don’t even like that dog.’ Junlin replied. He took the leash and attached it to Chai Liujin’s collar, then they walked out of the house with it and started walking it. Both of them were bored, and the fact that they were missing their favorite show made it even worse.

‘Look at that new food place…’ Junlin pointed to the store across the street. ‘Let’s go check it out.’

‘I’m up for anything as long as it’s not walking this dog.’ Yaxuan answered, and the two of them crossed the street to the other side.

‘I’m sorry but no dogs are allowed in the restaurant.’ the man at the door said.
Yaxuan and Junlin looked at each other sadly, trying to think of an idea.

‘You can keep him over there.’ the man continued, pointing at a small booth outside the restaurant, occupied by a guard.

‘Oh thanks.’ Junlin smiled, and they walked over Chai Liujin to the booth. Yaxuan tied up the dog’s leash on a hook in the booth, and the two of them went on to walk inside of the restaurant.

There was so much food they hadn’t tried before so they ordered several dishes till they were full. They could hardly move when they took the last spoonful of their food.

‘Let’s go home now before Chengxin starts asking.’ Yaxuan said to Junlin, weak from the feeling of overeating.

‘Yeah you’re right.’ he responded. The two of them paid their bill and walked out of the food place. They started to walk over to the booth, but even from this distance, they could already tell the man wasn’t in there.

They started to walk faster, feeling a bit agitated with the discovery. They walked inside the booth, and Chai Liujin wasn’t in there as well. The only thing that remained was the leash. Even though they were agitated, they were at least hoping the man had taken the dog away for it to pee. They waited and waited till they felt it was hopeless.

‘Excuse me,’ Junlin walked over to the man at the door who had advised them to keep the dog in the booth. ‘Where’s the man who was in the booth?’

‘I don’t know.’

‘Well…he took our dog.’ Junlin explained. ‘Now he’s nowhere to be seen. You have to do something.’

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