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/Your TNT brothers are standing by the door listening in to your conversation in your room/

You: I never really got a chance to tell you this but I like you a lot.

TNT: *gasp*

Jiaqi: she has a boy in there!?

You: but now I'm ready to tell you how I feel.

Chengxin: she legit has a boy in there! I'm going in!

Yaxuan: wait let's listen.

You: you're cute, funny, and you really make me happy.

Yaowen: but I thought we make her happy. :-(

You: and I never really felt this way for anyone. I just wanted to say I really love you and will you be my boyf...!?

TNT: *barge in*

You: (●__●)

Junlin: oh she's just talking to her poster again. *Face palm*

*You next to poster of your celebrity crush*

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