If They Didn't Have Any Friends In School

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Jiaqi: /doesn't care because he prefers dogs over humans anyway/

Chengxin: "Yeah I know why you don't wanna be my friend, you're threatened" /Even though he's very offended/

Yaxuan: why!? Why me!? What have I done!? Please be my friend! Someone! Anyone! *Crying*

Yaowen: who needs friends when you have a face like this? *Shrugs*

Zhenyuan: *Everyone avoids him because he always corrects their grammar, but he still doesn't get why people hate him* come on guys!

Haoxiang: *totally fine with it because he doesn't want any, always gives people a death stare*

Junlin: *distributing food to everyone* please be my friend, thanks.

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