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Jiaqi: *cooks the perfect meal* “this is fantastic. One more finishing touch.”

*Walks out to grab garlic*

*Returns and finds food is all gone*

Jiaqi: “guys! Who ate all the food I was cooking!?”

TNT: /laughing from living room/

Jiaqi: “it’s cool, I’ll just cook it again…this always happens” *Sighs*

Chengxin: *cooking*

TNT: mom!!!!!

Chengxin: coming! *Runs to living room*

Junlin: help me with my assignment.

Yaxuan: should I wear red socks or yellow socks?

Haoxiang: I am having a mental breakdown.

Yaowen: I can’t reach the remote!

*Zhenyuan and Jiaqi watching from the sidelines*

Chengxin: okay, okay.

*Does everything and returns to the kitchen to burning food*

Chengxin: perfect, just perfect. *Breaks wooden spoon in two*

Yaxuan: *cooking* and then, I’ll put the green onion. Green onion, you’re a really good and tasty ingredient.

Junlin: do you mind not talking to the food?

Yaxuan: no, they say talking to plants make them grow better right? Then what about talking to food? I bet that will make it taste better.

Junlin: o-oookay.

Yaxuan: *laughs* I’m sorry, this onion is making really funny jokes.

Junlin: *awkwardly walks out*

Yaowen: *only cooking because he has to*
                 *left food on stove and went to his
                  room to text*

Jiaqi: /from downstairs/ why the hell is the kitchen on fire!?

Yaowen: uh-oh.

Zhenyuan: *bakes cookies and puts them on table* ta-da!

TNT: yay!

Chengxin: *bites cookie* ouch! This cookie is too hard!

Yaxuan: *rubbing cheek painfully* my tooth.

Zhenyuan: I’m really sorry, these cookies are only for manly men, I guess I thought you could handle it.

Yaowen: it’s as solid as a brick.

Zhenyuan: *eating and chewing with no difficulty*

TNT: /staring at him with awe/

Zhenyuan: what?

Haoxiang: *cooking*

Jiaqi: *tastes food* this is so bland, you need to add something else in it. Maybe…

Haoxiang: we eat to stay alive Jiaqi, it’s not about taste.

Jiaqi: but…

Haoxiang: don’t mess with my cooking!

Jiaqi: *fearfully* okay…damn, this kid is so scary. *Walks out*

Junlin: *put too much chilli and tastes it* this is terrible, no one can eat this.

*suddenly got a bad idea*

Junlin: *walking to dining room with pot* hey guys! I made hot-pot! But I’m not eating it with you guys!

*Puts food on the table and hides by the stairs to see their reactions*

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