Yaxuan's Mornings

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Yaxuan: *smiles and opens eyes*

Yaxuan: *opens window* good morning world!!!

/Listening to the birds singing/

Yaxuan: good morning little birds! :D

/Singing Disney Princess song while going downstairs/

TNT from their rooms: Yaxuaaaaaaan!!!

Yaxuan: come on guys, wake up! A beautiful day is waiting for you!

Chengxin: it's freaking 5 am in the morning! What the hell are you up for!? Go to bed and learn to be negative sometimes!

Yaxuan: what is to be negative???

Chengxin: to be Haoxiang.

/Later that day/

Haoxiang: Chengxin!!! Yaxuan won't stop following me and saying whatever I say!

Yaxuan: Chengxin!!! Yaxuan won't stop following me and saying whatever I say!

Haoxiang: stop that!

Yaxuan: stop that!

Chengxin: wait what's going on here?

Haoxiang: *folds arms* you tell me.

Yaxuan: you tell me.

Haoxiang: *about to hit him* you little...

Jiaqi: *to Chengxin* well you did tell Yaxuan to be a little negative and that's apparently being Haoxiang.

Chengxin: hmm...right, I wonder what's more tolerable. Having two Haoxiangs or having an annoying Yaxuan?

Chengxin/Jiaqi: two Haoxiangs.

Haoxiang: wait what about me!? Yaxuan is being annoying!

Yaxuan: wait what about me!? Yaxuan is...

Haoxiang: *punches him and walks away*

/Next Day/

Zhenyuan: is it me or this morning was too gloomy?

Chengxin: oh yeah, nobody was singing a Disney princess song.

Yaowen: or opening the curtains and windows.

Junlin: or saying good morning to the little birds.

Jiaqi: you guys miss the old Yaxuan?

Chengxin: yeah even though he was annoying, he sure made the mornings brighter.

/Haoxiang walks in/

Chengxin: where's Yaxuan? We need to tell him to be himself again.

Haoxiang: *dusting hands* oh he's in the garbage track.

TNT: what!?

Haoxiang: I put him in a trash bag *shrugs* too annoying. You can go search the dump if they haven't gotten rid of him yet.

Chengxin: what's more tolerable? Two Haoxiangs, one annoying Yaxuan or no Yaxuan at all?

TNT: no Yaxuan at all. *Continue eating breakfast*

Yaxuan: *watching through the window covered in garbage while plotting his revenge* you will pay!!! All of you will pay! Ooh a butterfly :D

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