Why Chengxin Would Be Preferred in a Romantic Drama

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Jiaqi: *His derp faces just don't work for a romantic drama*

Yaxuan: *not going unless the characters will talk about World Peace*

Yaowen: no I'm sorry, unless you find a girl who is good enough for me, I'm not gonna be in that drama.

Zhenyuan: *rejects the drama the moment he reads the script* not profound enough.

Haoxiang: *can't be in a drama because the staff and cast are scared of him*

Junlin: *only wants to play the girl*


Manager: now who the hell are we going to cast in this drama?

TNT: take Chengxin!!!!

Chengxin: really guys? You think I can do it?

Yaowen: yeah, bye!

Chengxin: I don't know, maybe the kids will...

Yaxuan: we'll be fine! Bye!

Chengxin: but...

TNT: bye!!!!

/Chengxin leaves/

TNT: freedom!!!

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