If They Were About To Fight With Their Bandmate

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Jiaqi: whoa bro! Calm down! *Trying his best to avoid the fight* I'm sorry for eating your leftovers Junlin, it won't happen again.


Chengxin: you wanna fight with me!? Bring it on chump! *Already rolling up sleeves*


Yaxuan: if you are so mad, you can hit me till you feel better. :D I don't like fights.


Yaowen: I don't care who you are, but if you call me ugly, I will rip you apart! *Ready to fight*


Zhenyuan: what? You really wanna fight with me? *Stands* alright, I guess this will take less than one minute. Let's do this.


Haoxiang: unless you want your body to end up in the morgue, don't fight with me! *Secretly hates fights*


Junlin: call me short one more time and I'll show you how dangerous "short" people are! *Beckoning band mate*

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