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Jiaqi: *gives the robber his bandmate's address* they're so much richer than me! Don't rob me! Rob them!

Chengxin: *confidently taking phone out of pocket to call 911 until he realizes he forgot his phone at home*

Yaxuan: you want to rob me??? Sure why didn't you just ask? *Gives robber stuff* I have more stuff at home if you want! And my bandmates too!

Yaowen: sure, you can steal whatever you want from me. At least you're not stealing the most valuable thing, my looks. (◠‿・)—☆

Zhenyuan: *punches robber and keeps on walking while whistling*

Haoxiang: if you steal from me, you and your children and your children's children will be cursed forever.
Robber: as if I'd believe that. *Punches him*
Haoxiang: I was serious though!

Junlin: *screaming and freaking out* help!!! Help me!!! I don't want to die like this! I'm too young to die! *Still won't hand over his belongings*

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