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Yaowen= *angrily walks in*
                  *angrily sits down*
                  *angrily eating breakfast*

Haoxiang=are you going to talk or not?

Yaowen=just that Chengxin is so bossy.

Jiaqi=you just figured that out?

Yaowen=why does he feel like he knows everything? When I failed my math test, he told me that it was my fault, that I play too much video games! But I haven’t played video games in weeks!

And whenever I disagree with him, he says I’m wrong or stupid! Like when I told him I don’t wanna wear socks with my shoes, he didn’t want to have it! He made me wear the socks anyway…


Yaowen=worse still, he doesn’t think he’s controlling at all! Well next time I see him, I’m gonna tell him to his face that he’s bossy and I’m never letting him boss me around again. I’m done! DONE!


Yaowen=what? You guys don’t find him bossy?

TNT= *awkwardly looking at him*

Yaowen=I knew you wouldn’t understand.

/Yaowen gets off the chair and turns around, only to be met by Chengxin looking at him with a wooden spoon in hand/

Chengxin=why don’t you say what you wanted to say to my face like you wanted? *slamming wooden spoon in open palm repeatedly*

Junlin=guess we should start preparing for Yaowen’s funeral. I’ll order the coffin.

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