TNT Diary Updates

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Dear diary, it happened again!!! The guys totally disrespected me...AGAIN!!! I literally told Haoxiang to go set the table and he ignored me! Yet when Chengxin told him to do the exact same thing, he went and did it immediately. Why do they do this to me!? Me and Chengxin are literally just 9 months apart! 😭

Dear diary, I really need a break. Well all the members have argued and everyone is telling me their issues and wants me to pick a side. I can't pick a side, when does a mom pick a side!? Now I'm in my room and someone's already knocking on my door to tell me another issue. I can't take it! Also, so much drama in "The Blind Buttonless Horseman"! Who would have guessed Miguel isn't the father of Andrea's baby!?

Dear diary, I want to always remember to be kind to others. Today when i was walking I saw a child pricked by a glass in the middle of the street! The middle of the street! And this all happened because someone had discarded something carelessly. And someone discarded something carelessly because they don't care about others! And they probably don't care about others because someone doesn't care about them! The world will be such a better place if we all cared about each other! We can stop every problem if we care about each other including global warming 😒

Dear diary, I'm beginning to think my members are jealous of me. And it sucks because we're supposed to be like brothers but that's not what they're doing! It hurts to think someone you love dearly could be jealous of you. NONE OF THEM COMPLIMENTED MY LOOKS TODAY! NONE OF THEM! If that doesn't scream jealousy I don't know what does 😕 ohh Peppa Pig is starting! Gotta run!

Dear diary, so I collected all my band mate's diaries and collected the grammar for them. But they're all mad at me for reading their diaries. Shouldn't they be thanking me for correcting their grammar? 🙄 Some people. NEVER GONNA HELP ANOTHER MEMBER AGAIN.

Dear diary, why do people always assume I'm moody and mean? I'm not moody and mean, I just have a serious face sometimes! They'll be surprised when they find out I'm as bright as Yaxuan...wait nevermind. Eww. I feel like the only person who gets me is Junlin, that's why he's the only member i like. The rest can burn in the fiery pits of hell.

Dear diary,
Today i went to the store to buy some new clothes. And the cashier was like "aww are these for your sister?" I acted calm but I'm boiling! Why the hell would you assume clothes are for my sister!? Cause they're pink!? Coz they are skirts!? I'm so done with this world 🙄

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