Music Video

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Interviewer=your music videos are always so fun and interesting, I bet your director must enjoy working with you.

Jiaqi: *thinking back to filming of their MVs*

Director=Jiaqi, that is not the expression for this kind of scene! I already told you to just smile.

Jiaqi=right, I will just smile.


Chengxin= *advising other members* ok Yaxuan, remember to act angry. Don’t smile, not even one bit. Yaowen, you are not that important in this music video so…

Director=Chengxin, why are you doing my job? I didn’t even say any of that.

Chengxin=oh I thought you needed some help, hehehe. Okay do your thing.

Director=thank you…

Chengxin=but just make sure I’m in the center  you know, and actually I think Yaxuan’s part isn’t that suitable, and…

Yaxuan= *filming his scene then ends up making a mistake* Oh I’m sorry. *Laughing*

Director=it’s okay, Take Two.

Yaxuan= *still laughing*.

Director= -_- can we continue?

Yaxuan= *rolling on floor*

Director=excuse me!? Where’s Yaowen!? It’s his part!

Chengxin=he went to get his makeup done again because he thinks he doesn’t look good enough.

Director=geez. *Waiting*

After an hour…

Yaowen=I’m here now.


Yaowen= *Checks mirror again* on second thought, I’m going to have this removed. I don’t look as good as I should. *Leaves again*

Director=and then Jiaqi will punch you and you’ll fall. Got it?


Jiaqi=yes got it.

Director=anything the matter Zhenyuan?

Zhenyuan=just that you’re saying Jiaqi will punch me and I’ll fall but that would never happen. He’s not as strong as I am.

Director=yes but it’s a music video.

Zhenyuan=shouldn’t a music video be realistic? I don’t know.

Director= *rubbing his temples*

Director=why don’t you have your outfit on?

Haoxiang=I don’t like it.

Director=but you have to…

Haoxiang=I don’t like it.

Director=alright…well, then, let’s film your scene.

Haoxiang=I don’t like it.

Director=you don’t like your scene!? I don’t care If you don’t like your scene…

Haoxiang=but I care.

Junlin= *glaring at girl in the music video*

Director=what is your problem Junlin?

Junlin=she’s not doing it right! Girls don’t act like that! I think I should get two roles in this music video. I’m gonna be myself and I’ll also be the girl.

Director=Junlin, you can only have one role.

Junlin=okay then I’ll be the girl, she’ll be Junlin.

Director= *stands and runs hands in hair* you know what? I’m done! I’m done with all of you! I’m never working with you again! *Walks out*

/Back to Interview/
Jiaqi=yeah we’re very organized when filming.

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