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Jiaqi: okay guys we have to talk about something important. We're having group work but we never do well in it. So i wanted us to discuss why we fail and how we can make things better so that the same things won't happen this time.

Haoxiang: I'll start by saying all you guys are annoying that's why we fail.

Jiaqi: can we be serious?

Haoxiang: I am

Jiaqi: okay anyone with a better suggestion? 🙄

Chengxin: let's be frank, it's because we guys are too used to each other that we don't respect what the other is saying.

Junlin: that is not true.

Chengxin: I'm gonna give an example! 🖐️ One time I told Zhenyuan to write something down as an answer and he completely ignored me! Simply because he knows me too well.

Zhenyuan: that wasn't it Chengxin. I didn't write it down because the answer you gave was wrong.

Chengxin: I'm never wrong.

Yaxuan: my complaint is that some of us think we're always right. I'm not mentioning any names 😊

Yaowen: mention them.

Yaxuan: no!

Chengxin: who is it?

Haoxiang: and the person also pretends they don't know we are talking about them.

Chengxin: it's Zhenyuan isn't it? 😑

Jiaqi: okay! Noted! Next complaint?

Yaowen: time. You guys want to work at your own time and don't consider whether others are free or not.

Jiaqi: that only happens because you take too long to get ready.

Yaowen: because some of us take more care of ourselves 🙄 do you think this face is all natural? Well 90% natural and 5% personal care 😊

Zhenyuan: your math is off.

Yaowen: anyway wat I'm saying is we should consider proper times for everyone before deciding on a time by yourselves.

Haoxiang: dude no matter how much time we give you, you're always late.

Jiaqi: ok considered. Next time we will allow Yaowen to decide the time with us. Any other issues?

Junlin: not a complaint but a suggestion, we should probably have snacks.

Jiaqi: oh yeah we tried that once and people ended up fighting 😑

Chengxin: was it the time Yaxuan ended up in the fountain?

Jiaqi: yep.

Yaowen: what happened??

Jiaqi: you don't wanna know, so no snacks.

Zhenyuan: here's my complaint...we always spend so much time on social media and less on the actual group work. Like we should be cramming for group work tomorrow but we're on social media right now.

Haoxiang: oh...u think so?

Zhenyuan: yes! We are literally in the same room, why are we texting when we could have briefly talked about it then continue to cram for tomorrow's group work.

Jiaqi: I guess you've got a point.

Zhenyuan: I know 😊

Jiaqi: yeah but that's not enough, let's text our friends and ask them how they do so well in group work.

Zhenyuan: are you kidding me!?

Chengxin: lets!!!

Zhenyuan: this is what I meant!!! 😒 Why doesn't anyone listen to me around here?

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