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A.N: This story is intended to give awarenes about disability from the point of view of a physiotherapist and I'll try to make it acurate. However, if you feel like some of it in not, coment and I will try to edit it. Please keep in mind that this is my first story ever and I don' really speak english so feel free to coment if anything is wrong. 

Hope you enjoy!


Harry POV

9 months earlier

"Yes Gem, I remember" Harry says to the phone


"Yes, I am already in the car. I'll pick you up in five"


"Bye, Gem" He hangs up.

About five minutes later his sister is getting in the car.

"About time! I thought you had forgotten! His sister growls. She had been in a funny mood for the last few months of pregnancy.

"Good morning Gem. Nice to see you too" I say smiling at her.

"Yes, yes. Whatever Haz. Can you get going? We are going to be late!"

"We are not late, Gem. We'll be there half an hour early as we always are''. He says calmly.

He has been driving for about a minute when his sister speaks. "I know. I'm only nervous, I guess. I love you. Thanks Haz"

"I know. I love you too. You are my favourite sister" He smiles.

Gemma rolls her eyes "I'm your only sister".



Late. Harry is late, they need to rush if they want to make it to their flight. He had been up all night, unable to keep his thoughts at bay and too scared to fall asleep and face his dreams. However, he must have fallen asleep sometime in between packing, unpacking and repacking over and over again because when he woke up he realised that he only had 10 minutes to get the kids ready to go. He rushed to get dressed, without stoping to look at what had once been his left foot, and somehow managed to get into a taxi with the kids.

They finally arrive at the security control, without any minute to spare. Bip, Bip, Bip. "Sir, you need to leave all metallic stuff in the tray "

Harry sights. "I-I did..., all I can leave at least..." His head drops and lifts the left leg of his pants, showing his prosthesis.

"Oh! Sorry sir, you may go on".

He hurries to grab all their stuff and starts to limp as fast as he can pushing Emma's trolley to their gate, little Sam pressed to his chest in a baby bag.

"Thank god!" He whispers as they arrive at their gate, seeing that there area still a few people forming a queue.

Once they are all seated in the plane, Emma at his right by the window and Sam on his lap with their seatbelts fastened, he closes his eyes and allows himself a minute letting out a sight of relieve. He thought they weren't going to make it on time.

He looks down to his lap and his lips start to quirk up with a smile as he sees baby Sam is fast asleep. "I don't know how you managed to fall asleep, little bunny" he whispers.

He feels a tug on his right sleeve and turns his head to Emma. "Yes monkey?"

" 'cle Haz? we go see mommy now?" Emma asks with a frown.

His face falls completely as he fights the tears that have started to form in his eyes. "No love, but I wish we could".

"But I want mommy!"

"I know, monkey. I want her too"

"Why no see mommy?"

And now Harry can't fight his tears anymore. "Because we can't see her anymore, monkey". He leans closer to Emma and hugs her as hard as he can, resting his head on hers, tears pooling down his cheeks.


Louis POV

"Late. I'm late again. How do I manage to be always late?" Louis mumbles to himself watching his plane leave without him. He starts pacing up and down, rubbing his eyes and pulling at his hair making it look like a mess -not that it makesa much of a difference as he hadn't had the time to try and tame it after waking up and realising he had slept through his alarm- .

After a minute of freaking out and realising that he would definitely not be in time for his job interview and after pleading with the woman at the counter for 20 minutes, he manages to calm down and book himself the next plane. Well, at least he won't be late this time as he will have to wait for two hours to get on the plane.

He figures he better call to see if he can postpone his job interview to tomorrow. He really hopes he can get the job as it really is a great opportunity for him, it's his dream job actually. Somehow, he manages to get an appointment at first hour tomorrow. Thank god he has a good way with words.

Two hours later Louis grins to himself. He is the first one on the plane, seatbelt already fastened and figures he might as well nap for a while. He opens his eyes about thirty minutes later to realise that there are still people getting on the plane.

"Now, this is my luck. My plane had to leave on time, just for me to miss it and, of course, this one will wait for everyone to get on" He mumbles to himself.

However, his mumbling stops as he notices a young curly haired man rushing to get to his seat, a baby pressed to his chest and a curly haired little girl following hand in hand.

And his mumbling resumes "Great. Why are all the handsome men taken? My luck. Again".

The curly haired man sits in the row just in front of him and he hears his deep voice whispering "I don't know how you managed to fall asleep, little bunny". He smiles and closes his eyes, falling asleep again.

He wakes up soon enough to the loud rumbling of the plane that has just started to move and an unconscious smile appears in his face again as he sees the man wrapped around the little girl. However, his smile falls as soon as the curly haired man lifts his head. Louis can now see his tear stained cheeks and his heart clenches at the sight. He doesn't even know him but somehow he already feels the need to envelope him in a bone crushing hug.

The plane starts to move fast and lifts its front about to take off. It seems as if the sudden change has startled the little girl because just then she starts to cry and the curly haired man receives an angry look from the man sat beside him. 'What a prick' He thinks referring to the angry looking man.

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