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"Was that okay?"

Was that okay? Harry asked him. Was it? Of course the kiss was okay. Not that Louis had much to compare it with, did he? Now, if Harry was to ask him if HE was okay... Well... He didn't even know the answer himself. He felt happy. He thought so at least. But he also felt sick. His heart was thumping erratically in his chest and he felt as if it was desperately trying to leave his body. His mind was flying somewhere far, far away from the kitchen, or maybe his brain had just became a lump of mush. And as for his legs... Well, he didn't even know if any part of his body belonged to him anymore. His legs felt like jelly and he wasn't sure how they were still suporting his weight.


"Lou! Are you okay?" Harry waved a hand in his face.

'Ha! Bingo! This was a good question wasn't it?' Louis thought. He looked up at Harry's concerned face and would have blushed more if it had been possible. He sent him a tiny smile, accompained by a shaky nod of his head.

"Look. I'm sorry if I-" Harry started apologising, not believing Louis doubtful response.

"No. Don't be" Louis was fast to stop him. "I- I liked it. I just... I- I was surprised. I just haven't done that before" He wishpered, looking away in embarrassment.

"That's okay. Do you want a cuppa?" Harry smiled.

"Yeah. Please" Louis nodded, glad that Harry wasn't making a big deal about it. He had always felt like everyone his age and much younger was more experienced than he was. Everyone talk and joked about sex and it used to make him uncomfortable not knowing what to say or not really understanding what was being said.
But he really wasn't that innocent. He had experience, just not with other people.

"Here. Let's go back to the couch" Harry interrupted his thoughts as he handed him a hot cup of tea and lead him with a hand on his lower back.

"Thanks" He smiled as he accepted the cup.

They sipped in comfortable silence for a few minutes, sending each other nervous glances, until their cups were empty.

"Do it again" Louis quietly sputtered, the words that had been flooding his mind left his mouth involuntarily. His eyes widened and he quickly pressed a hand to his mouth, hoping Harry hadn't heard him as he realised what he had said.

"What?" Harry asked. His bright green eyes looking deeply at Louis' wide blue ones.

"Nothing" Louis rushed, shaking his head.

Harry pursed his lips, disappointed about Louis answer, and leanen a bit closer resting his head on his palm, his elbow propped on the back of the couch near Louis' head as he continued staring at the older man's lips.

Louis gulped, feeling Harry's breath from the close proximity, and leaned in the rest of the way searching for Harry's lips on his again.

The only problem was that, as eager and nervous as he was, it was his forehead that forcefully collided with Harry's nose.

"Ouch. Fuck!" Harry quickly backed away holding his nose.

"Oh god. I'm so sorry!" Louis was quick to apologise, mortified at what he had done.

Harry just shrugged and, after letting go of his hurt nose, reached for Louis cheek with one hand and successfully pressed their lips together again.

Louis stilled for a second before he started copying the movement of Harry's lips.

They kissed for what felt forever but not nearly enough, separating for about half a second to get some air and diving back to it. It was just their lips, blending together time and time again.

Harry's hands held them close. One still at Louis' left cheek ant the other on his clothed waist. Louis' had been limp on his lap until he relaxed and slowly let them creep up to the back of Harry's neck, curling on the hairs on the man's nape. He toyed with them until a moan of approval slipped out of Harry's mouth.

The sound seemed to encourage Louis because he experimentally parted his lips, letting his tongue brush Harry's. Harry was fast to part his and to start carefully exploring Louis' mouth as small hands reached for his waist and pulled him closer until he was sat propped on the shorter guy's lap.

"You okay with this?" Harry breathed on Louis' lips.

"Mhm. Are you?" He nodded and asked quietly.

Harry just leaned back and met Louis'lips halfway one again, their hand now wandering under their t-shirts on each others waists as they slowly grew breathless.

"Dadda. I sleep wid you?" Emma's voice came from a distance.

"Shit!" Harry jumped away from Louis just as Emma entered the room.

"Go back to bed monkey. It's late. I'll be there in a second. Hm?" He spoke breathlessly, scrunching his nose at Louis as an apology as he carefully stood up.

"It's okay, Haz. I should go home" Louis waved him off with a smile after licking his redned and spit covered lips.

" 'kay. Good night, Lou" Harry agreed, quickly pecking his lips before he opened the door. "I'll text you"

"Wait! What did she call me?!" Harry asked with panic and wonder in his tone as realisation struck him.

"She called you dadda. 'Night Haz!" Louis waved with a smile, closing the door behind him and leaving a shocked Harry behind.

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