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Harry woke up from the sound of the doorbell after what felt like barely a couple minutes. He propped himself on his elbows to grab his phone to check the time and grunted as he saw that it was already 6PM. He collapsed, burying his hace on the pillow, and grunted again. He felt like he could sleep until morning and still it wouldn't be enough and he pondered for a while if he should just stay home. He definitely should. Yes. He would rest for a while and then prepare dinner for the kids, bath them, cuddle them and kiss them good night. That's it. He needed to be a good parent for them.

"Harry! Are you ready? Liam's here!" His mum called from downstairs.

" 'm not going mum!" He shouted back. He had made his decision, he had priorities and going out wasn't one of them.

There was silence for a couple of minutes and then his door opened. He felt the bed dip but he didn't open his eyes. However, he was startled when he heard Liam's deep voice instead of his mum's.

"I know how you feel, Harry. I'm a single dad too... You feel like you have to be here at all times for them... like they are the top most priority on your life" Liam said in a gentle voice.

Harry nodded, sitting on the bed and staring at him.

"And they are. They really are, and no one will convince me otherwise. But... Niall is right too" Liam added, chuckling as he said the last words.

"Don't tell him that. He'll believe it and you won't hear anything else from him" Harry smiled back.

"Yeah... But he is, Harry. We do need time for ourselves sometimes, so we are as healthy and happy as we can for them. I think they deserve a happy dad, don't you?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, of course they do... I just... I can't help but think that I'm not enough, that I need to do more. But you are right. I kind of miss going out. Give mi 10 minutes to shower and then we can get going" Harry said, deciding he should enjoy some time for himself now that his mum is here to help.

"Okay. I'll go downstairs to se how Mikey is doing. He seemed to love your mum though, he started playing with her and Emma as soon as we crossed the door" Liam chuckled.

20 minutes later, Liam decided to go check on Harry as he hadn't come down yet. When he opened the door he found Harry stood in front of the wardrobe, with his new prosthesis on but still in his underwear, pulling at his dark curls.

"Um, sorry. I should have knocked. Everything alright?" He apologized.

"Ugh! I don't know what to wear. I have gone out since- since... This" Harry groaned pointing at his fake foot.

"Okay. Let me see... I haven't been out in forever either so... What would you normally have worn on a night out?" Liam asked as he looked at the clothes he had pulled out and held two different jeans up for Harry to choose.

Harry's eyes travelled to the black skinny jeans on Liam's right hand. He smiled and threw them to his face.

"Perfect. Now. This one or this one?" He said holding a couple t-shirts.

However, his eyes travelled down to the floor stopping at a white blouse with black ink-stain prints.

"Okay. Come on, then. Get dressed. Hop, hop!" Liam said clapping his hands.

"Fine, fine" Harry said struggling to push his plastic foot through the small opening of the jeans.

"Ugh! Fuck! It won't go through" He cursed throwing them to the floor in frustration. He knew there was a reason why he didn't wear them anymore.

At that his mum came through the door.

"Hey, hey! Calm down. Let me help. Put the blouse on" She said, crouching down before him and rolling the jeans as much as he could.

After some struggling, Harry was finally  dressed.

"See? They just needed some patience, Love. You look gorgeous. Maybe I could put a zipper on them so it was easier to put them on" His mum said playing with his curls.

"Hmm... Maybe. Thanks, mum" Harry replied with a smile.

"We should get going. Niall sais he is waiting outside" Liam said.

They made their way downstairs, kissed the kids goodbye and went outside to meet Niall in the car.

"About time! I'm starving. I nearly ate your your dinner!" Niall complained.

"Sorry! Just some last minute fake-leg struggles" Harry apologized as he sat on the passenger seat.

"Hmm... Sure you weren't lazing In bed? I'll let it slide this time because I already ate my pizza and a slice of yours" Niall said as he started driving.

"Hey! I'm hungry too!" Harry complained, opening the box and starting on his pizza.

"He knows you too well Harry. There were some fake-leg struggles though. He nearly came pantless" Liam laughed starting on his food.

"Here we are! Let's have fun" Niall said after parking the car a while later.

A/N: I just got Louis' job! So excited to start working

Maybe we can (L.S.)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ