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"Hey! There you are, big boy! Come in" Louis gushed, tickling Sam's check before lo looking up at Harry with a smile.

It was Sam's next appointment after they kissed, and Harry had kept his promise to text him.

The morning after, he had woken up to his sister's fighting. He had been ready to kill, because he woke up middream and, let's just say, it wasn't exactly a bad dream.

Luckily for his sisters, he checked his phone before going for them, finding a voice note from Harry.

'Hey Lou. Good morning. I don't know which kind of magic your hands worked last night but I had the best sleep since forever. I still woke up once because of my leg hurting but it calmed down after I massaged it for a bit. I might or might not have imagined it was your hands doing it. You'll never know. Anyway... I had a great time yesterday. I hope you did too and we can repeat that sometime soon. And we still need to finish the movies! Have a great day, Lou!'

And when Louis walked into the kitchen all his murder instincts had vanished and been replaced by a dazzled feeling that had his family looking at him weirdly. They must had thought he had gone insane or something.

Now, it was the first time he had seen Harry since because they both had been quite busy, but he was working so he forced his mind to get back on track and his attention to settle on Sam.

"Say 'hi', little bunny" Harry wove the little boy's hand after he took of the carrier from his chest. "Show Lou how hard you've been working this head of yours, hm?"

"Oh, I can see that. You're holding it up much better, aren't you?" Louis smiled, nodding at Harry reassuringly as they went to sit down on the floor.

"Do you really think he is?" Harry asked, passing the baby to Louis hands.

"Yeah... See? He is tucking his neck in when I pull him up from his hands" Louis nodded, gently pulling the baby up from the floor. "And it seems he can hold it up better when he is upright. It's still a bit wobblier than I would like but you're both doing a great job"

Harry smiled, searching for Louis eyes, making Louis gulp and clear his throat before speaking again.

"I was thinking that he might be ready for a moulded seat, to help him keep a sitting position so that he can use his hands better and strengthen his trunk muscles" Louis spoke as he helped Sam stay seated, his hands holding his trunk.

"Um... I- That sounds expensive, Lou..." Harry pursed his lips.

"Well. It's not. We usually make them ourselves with just some plaster, paint, velcro and padding. I'll ask some of my colleagues if they can help soon, maybe this Friday" Louis grinned.

"Oh. That's good" Harry sighed in relief.

"Yeah I'm awesome, I know. Okay. Let's show me how you work on your rolling, love" Louis spoke to Sam, showing him a rattle ball.


"Where's Emma?" Louis asked, lying on the floor with Sam trying to put a hand in his mouth while on his chest.

"I just left her at Liam's. Apparently, it was very very important to have a sleepover because that's what big girls and boys do. I don't know if daycare was such a good idea. She's going to kill me one day soon, I swear. Louis, she's just two! I'll need to have her on a leash by the time she's five" Harry whinnied waving his arms around to make a point, the broom he had been using getting scarily close to the TV.

Louis chuckled, gently bitting on Sam's fingers as a small hand finally got to his lips.

"And she's been calling me dada... Because that's what other kids do. And, Lou, I love it, but I don't know what to tell her and it's scary as hell. I can't replace her mum. I was not ready for that..." He continued getting hysterical.

"Okay, Haz. Here, take Sam and come sit, please" Louis stood up passing the baby before pulling Harry to the couch and hugging him to his side. "She calls you dada because that's what you are to her but you're not replacing anyone, love. You'll make sure they know their mum loves them. And I know it's scary and maybe you weren't ready, but you are now. You're doing a great job with them and it shows" Louis soothed, gently pecking the top of his head.

"Sorry" Harry nodded wiping his tears away. "I'm trying, but I don't think I can do it alone" Harry pursed his lips.

"I know. I'll be here anytime you need me" Louis promised, moving a free curl behind Harry's ear, smiling when Harry's lip curled up and leaning closer to peck them softly.

"Thank you" Harry smiled, reaching Louis lips to peck them again.

"Next movie?" Louis asked with a blush.

"Next movie" Harry agreed and reached for the TV remote.

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