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"What the hell was that about!? Do they seriously think these are questions to get to know someone? Or do they think I'm stupid? They certainly do now..." Louis said flailing his arms around and nearly knocking down the tea he had just bought as he remembered the interview he had gone to a few days ago.

"Now, Louis. I don't want you to think about this as an interview or an exam. It's just to get to know you a little. No need to get nervous. Alright?" The interviewer said.

"Okay" Louis answered as he looked up still playing with his fingers.

"Okay then. Let's start. What do you think you could give us that anyone else couldn't?"

"Lou... Surely you weren't that bad. You said they had already hinted that they wanted to hire you, didn't you?" The dark haired man said.

"Zayn, you weren't there... There is no way they are calling me back. I just sat there like I was frozen. I don't even know what I said or if I answered at all!" He answered his best friend still shaking his head.

"Well mate, however it was there is nothing you can do about it now, so stop whining and tell me something. We haven't seen each other since forever. Anything new?"

"We talked like an hour on the phone just yesterday morning. Not much more to say" Louis huffed not being in the mood.

"Well, I for instance met a gorgeous green eyed boy a few hours ago. Shirtless too" Zayn smirked.

" 'course you did" He said, his mind traveling back to Harry, a smile slowly making a way to his face.

"Yep. I even got his number. That's why I love my job."

"Argh..." Louis groaned. "Why am I never that lucky? I met someone one on the plane but, of course, he is taken and I'll never see him agin"

"Just be patient, Lou" He pat his shoulder getting up from the booth.


Thursday arrived and Harry hadn't slept at all. He had been worrying a lot about Sam. He couldn't help it, he just wanted everything to be alright, but he had a strong feeling that it wasn't. The poor baby and his sister already had enough as it was and Harry wasn't sure he could deal with more problems in his life.

Talking about problems. He winced as he sat on a chair at the Early Care and Assessment Center.

Yesterday he had walked for too long on his provisional prosthesis, as he had taken the bus to the appointment and then walked to the store and back, and a big blister had appeared on his stump.

He shouldn't be wearing it at all until it healed but he couldn't carry a baby and a stroller while walking on crutches.

He took it off for a while as they were a bit early and wasn't surprised to see that the blister had popped.

He sighed knowing that would take a while to heal and remembering that he still didn't know when the other one woul be ready and that the repair was sure to be expensive.

Soon Emma snapped him out his thoughts.

"Me go pway" She said as she wriggled out of the stroller pointing to a play zone in the waiting room.

"Sure, monkey. Off you go" He said smiling at her.

It was quite impressive now that he looked around. The whole place looked like a mix of a park and a toy store, with games and books for kids of all ages. It was the opposite of what he had imagined and he was glad because since the accident he had started hating hospitals and clinics.

He took Sam out of the baby bag and put him on his legs so he could watch Emma and play with a cute teddy bunny that sang when you squished it.


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