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It was 6 PM and Louis was skipping trough the hospital, still in his black sweatpants, orange working t-shirt and black zip up jacket, his messy hair pulled back with a headband. His last appointment had been cancelled last minute so he was free to leave work early. It wasn't that he didn't like working because he did, but he couldn't help but feeling a little overexcited. It certainly wasn't because he had been dying to see Harry again. Nope. He was just here because Harry had asked him to. Nothing else... Well... Okay... He might have other reasons but Harry had, in fact, asked him to come and he was  Sam's physiotherapist so he had a fairly good excuse to be here and ignore any non therapeutic reasons he that were jumbling in his brain.

He quickly found the room where he knew Sam was staying and raised his hand to knock but stopped on his tracks when he heard the doctor's voice.

"Yes. No problem, I'll explain it again. After we examined the MRI images we detected a brain injury that is mostly placed on the right side of his brain.  That's the reason he has some trouble controling the left side of his body and why he is a little behind on his development. We don't know if they did a brain ultrasound check when he was born but it's more common for very preterm newborns' brains to develop some kind of hemorrhage that can develop to a brain injury. That was most likely his case given his clinical history. When there is a non-progressive brain injury in a still developing brain it often affects motor function. We call it Cerebral Palsy, and there can also be intellectual impairment, seizures, and vision or hearing impairment. We won't know how he will progress as he grows up but it's most likely that this is the reason why he had a seizure... Did I explain better now?" The doctor explained.

Harry must have nodded because she spoke again.

"Okay then, I'll be back tomorrow morning so don't hesitate to ask me if you have any more questions then. Have a great night" She said before opening the door.

Louis barely had time to jump back before she was walking out, giving him a surprised look as she passed.

He breathed in an out and knocked on the door, waiting until he heard a small "come in" to enter.

He already had strong suspicions that Sam had Cerebral Palsy from the assessment tests he had done but now they all knew for sure. He was relieved that he wasn't the one to have to break the news to Harry, but he would still be there to help him trough it.

Harry was sat on the recliner, blankly staring at the window while holding a bottle to Sam's lips, who was eagerly sucking on it as if he had been starved for weeks.

"Harry... How are you doing? Sorry. I didn't mean to overhear but I was just out the door when she started speaking and I- I couldn't... I'm sorry" Louis spoke nervously.

"Louis! Thank God... I thought it was another doctor ore nurse... It's okay. I'm quite glad you heard because I- I don't think I could explain you and... I- I- they said... but I don't... I just don't understand... She said... Ugh! What's happening now Louis? Is he- is he ever going to walk, and talk and, and... Oh God he isn't going to d-die is he? He's so small, so-" Harry spluttered looking at Louis, his green eyes wide with fear.

Louis dropped de bag he had on his back and rushed to grab Harry's free hand, kneeling in front of him.

"Hey, hey! Just breathe for me, please. Breath with me... In, hold, out, hold. In, hold, out, hold" Louis spoke as his fingers drew a square on Harry's palm, trying to calm his breathing. "That's it... I'll explain everything as well as I can later but what you need to know is that Sam is certainly not dying. He will probably have to face many troubles another child wouldn't but he has already proven to be a strong kid just by holding on to life when he was born so early, okay?" He continued once Harry was breathing steadily, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze as he finished.

"Yeah... Okay" Harry breathed out as he felt his body relax a bit. He was still scared shitless, but he sensed he would have to handle everything as it came, day by day, and, for now, Sam was okay.

"Here. Eat something. I brought some pastries from the bakery beside the ECAC. I wasn't sure what you would prefer so I brought one of each. There is chocolate, blueberry, apple, cream, lemon and something I honestly have no idea what it is" Louis said, holding a big paper bag in front of Harry's face in hope of lightening the mood.

"Well... I'll have to try them all to know which one I like most won't I?" Harry replied playfully.

"Let the games begin" Louis laughed, making Harry giggle at the reference.

"Nerd" Harry winked.

"Of course I am. But I must confess I've never seen The Hunger Games. I'm more of a Harry Potter fan, really"

"Oh, me too! We'll have to do a marathon then. Emma didn't want to sleep alone after watching The Philosopher's Stone" Harry shouted enthusiastically.

"Just set a date. I'm always up for Harry Potter. Now, don't be greedy. I want some pastries too" Louis smiled, glad to see a true dimpled smile on the man's face.

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