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As soon as Harry spotted a good spot to sit at the park, and with Emma's help,  he placed a multicolored cloth on the unkept grass. He smothed the surface and put Sam down on his tummy over it.

Emma was quick to open a container with some fruit snacks Harry had prepared and rolled down in front of his brother, who was trying to hold hi head up to see his sister making silly faces at him.

Harry smiled fondly and took his camera out of the protective backpack, adjusting a new lens on it and backing away from them so that he was sat on the floor a short distance away from the kids.

He had just started clicking some photos when a large, black-furred force knocked him backwards, nudged his way between his arms and started excitedly licking his face.

"Oops" He grunted in surprise, holding his camera away to keep it from any possible damage.

"No! Bad Clifford! Bad! I'm so sorry! He doesn't bite but he is too easily overexcited" A man came running and apologized after grabbing the dog's collar.

"Lou!" Harry greeted in surprise when he recognised the now familiar voice.

"Harry! I'm so sorry! Did he hurt you? Did he break something? You okay?" Louis rambled, still trying to hold the over excited dog away.

"Calm down, everything's fine" Harry laughed and started scratching the back of the dog's ears, making it roll down on his back to get pet on it's tummy. "Who's this big cute troublemaker?"

"Hff... This monster here is Clifford. He's my dog" Louis huffed. "I swear he usually behaves. Well... unless you leave an open door or wants attention that is"

"You just want some love, don't you, big guy?" Harry asked the dog, watching as he relaxed under his hands. "He's adorable" He said, looking at Louis who had just sat down beside him.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. What are you doing here?" Louis grumbled.

"Just a quick picnic. Are you jealous of your dog, Lou?" Harry teased.

"Of course not" Louis tried to deny, turning away to hide his blush.

"Just kidding, Lou. Want some fruit?" Harry smiled, passing him the container.

"Thanks. Do you know how to take photos? I mean. Like great ones?" Louis asked, pointing at the camera curiously after talking an orange slice.

"Um... Yeah, I guess... I kind of planned to make a career of it but now... I don't know... I've got two more mouths to feed and it's not a stable income, so..." Harry sighed.

"I'm sure I'll work out. Can I see what you've got so far?" Louis reassured with a gentle smile.

"Yeah. Here. There's not much. I hadn't taken it out in months. There might be some old ones, though" Harry nodded, passing the camera to Louis and showing him how to pass the images.

Louis looked at the photos, one by one, a smile growing bigger and bigger on his face. "Harry!" He exclaimed looking back at Harry in awe.

"Louis!" He retorted back, reaching over to hold Sam and lifting him over his head and kissing his nose before cuddling him in his arms.

"This is awesome, Haz! You know, just today some family at work was telling me about wanting to take professional photos of their kids but having bad experiences with photographers because they don't have the patience or knowledge to get them to look good. If you want to, I could give them your number or email. I think you'd do great!" Louis spoke with enthusiasm.

"You think so?" Harry asked with an unsure but hopeful face.

"I'm sure you'd. Just think about it and tell me" Louis smiled making crinkles appear by his blue eyes.

"I will" Harry smiled back. "Will you stay with us until we get back home for our movie?" He asked, giggling as he watched Emma who was now trying to climb on Clifford only for the dog to lie down an roll.

"I need to get this guy home and take a shower first, but I can stay until you leave and then come by if you want?" Louis proposed reaching an arm to tickle Emma, making her squeal.

"Perfect. I'm glad you found us here" Harry replied letting his pinky finger lay over Louis' on the colourful cloth.

Neither of them made a move to avoid the contact, both struggling to keep their distance and entertain the kids.

Eventually, they parted ways so that they could get back home, Louis promising to be quick.

A.N: I just published a new one shot book about life with disabilities. For now it's just one about paraplegia caused by a spinal cord injury. Check it out if you want 🤗

Maybe we can (L.S.)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें