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Louis had had it. He was his best friend but he couldnt stand it anymore. He had been talking non-stop about the seminaked gorgeous man for God knows how long and he couldn't help getting frustrated.

"Ugh! Stop pacing! Just call him if he was so incredibly gorgeous! At least you can do something about it! I never get a chance... Every time I put my eye on someone they are taken or the situation is not right or I just don't have the balls to do something about it! Why, Zayn? Am I so incredibly fucked up that no one can put their eyes on me?"

Zayn stopped in his tracks and turned to sit beside his best friend on the couch and envolved him in a bone crushing hug.

"I'm sorry, Lou. Don't say that, please... You are an intelligent, beautiful, young man and-"

"Geroff me!" Louis cut him off as he pushed him away but Zayn went to hug him again, trying to comfort him.

"I said GEROFF!" He shouted. He didn't really like people gettin in his space and sometimes it got to much for him so he started to get anxious and pushed him again, with more fore this time, and curled on himself on the further end of the couch.

"Sorry" Louis mumbled lookin up at his friend once he had calmed himself a little, his arms still tightly wrapped around his legs.

"Don't be. I'm sorry. I kind of forgot you like your space... The right one will come someday, Louis, and everything will fall into place when the time is right" Zayn said smilig a him, knowing that Louis dind't mean wrong and was just overwhelmed.

Louis uncurled himself and jumped beside him on the couch unlocking his friend's phone and waving it in front of his face with a smirk on his face.

"What?" Zayn asked, confusion clear on his face.

"It's calling..." Louis sing-songed still waving the phone.

"No! Why would you do that?! What do I say?!" He whinned.

"Yes?" A deep voice sounded though the speaker.

"Um... Hi..." Zayn said staring a Louis with a death glare

"Who is it?" The voice asked

"Um... It's Zayn"


"Go on" Louis said nodding to the phone, trying to hold his laughter in.

"Zaynthedeliveryman Wouldyouwanttohangoutsometime?" He rushed in a breath.

"What? I didn't quite get it. I think you might have the wrong number? Yes love, just a second. Sorry, I've got to go. Bye" 

"Wow! That- that was really smoth" Louis said between cackles, still rolling on the floor in laughter.

"Why did you do that! Now I have no chance!" Zayn groaned, lightly kicking Louis as he hid his face behind his hands.

"Oi! It was all you, mate! It wasn't me who forgot how to breath in between words" Louis raised his hands on surrender stifling his laughter.

"Besides, it appears that someone named love was waiting for him" He added, wigling his eyebrows and running away as his fried got up from the couch to chase him.

After much talking and laughin, Louis' mum arrived and Zayn decided it was time to get home.

"Sure you don't ant to stay for lunch?" She asked as he walked to the door.

"Nah, thanks though. I need to get going"

"Okay then" She said walking to the kitchen.

"Lets go out this weekend, Louis. Saturday night. Let's se if we are luckier than we were today" He said wigling his eyebrows at Louis.

"Ugh... I'm tired..." Louis complained.

"Please. You need to go out a little!" Zayn said, knowing that his friend needed a little push.

"Zayn is right, Lou... Come pick him up. He'll be ready" His mum answered for him.

"Muum! I'm 24, not 4! I'm a grown man" He whinned.

"Doesn't look like it sometimes, love. You'll have fun" She shrugged

"Bye Jay!" Zayn said waving at them with a big smile.

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