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Harry was still dancing around with Niall and Liam when he felt someone approach him. He turned around to face a dark haired man. He somehow looked familiar but he couldn't place him.

The man looked at him and started dancing, or shamelessly swinging his hips more likely, beside him. Harry might have thought he was too close for his liking if he hadn't been drunk at the time.

"Hey, Harry" The man said, waving awkwardly.

"Hey. Do I know you?" Harry asked, trying to squeeze his brain to remember what he knew him from while still dancing beside the man.

"Not really. I delivered you a package once. I'm Zayn. I wouldn't mind getting to know eachother" Zayn smirked, getting closer to Harry.

"Oh... I - I-. Bathroom, sorry" Harry excused himself, not sure if he was quite ready to 'get to know' anyone at the time.

Zayn sighed and shook his head. He might have been a bit bold. He didn't know the man after all. He was about to go find Louis when someone bumped into him and sent him to the floor.

"Ouch! Watch out!" He shouted at the figure who had crashed into him.

"Wow, sorry! Sorry, sorry. 'm sorry" The man slurred while offering Zayn a hand to get up.

Zayn grabbed the hand and got up, his eyes not once leaving the warm brown pair in front of him. Wow! He might or might not have forgotten about the curly haired man from seconds ago.

"I'm really sorry. I tripped. I'm Liam. Are you hurt?" Liam asked with concern, His eyes traveling up and down Zayn's body and fixing on his hazel eyes.

"Zayn. I'm... great. Are you hurt, Liam?" Zayn said, his eyes now traveling over the man's body and getting stuck between his eyes and lips.

"No" Liam breathed out, getting nearer.

And before they even realised, their lips crashed and their hands were grabbing eachother's bodies until Zayn had Liam's back against the wall and they were both too engulfed with eachother to notice the rest of the crowd around them.


Harry walked out of the bathroom, his head a little more clear, and started looking around for his friends. He was a little confused when he didn't find any of them between the crowd until he spotted Liam's figure. He was cornered against a wall. Harry panicked and quickly rushed to him grabbing the man he now recognised as Zayn by the collar of his shirt and pushing him away from Liam.

"Hey! What's wrong with you, mate?!" Liam complained, swatting Harry's hand away from Zayn.

"Um... I thought he was h... Nevermind. Sorry. You okay, Li?" Harry replied after looking between both flushed faces and realising what was going on.

Before anyone could say anything recognised his friend's loud Irish voice and turned to se Niall accompanied by none other than Louis.

"Harreeh! Look who I found? Your saviour!" Niall screamed over the music.

'What is he doing here? Oh no! Now must think I'm a bad parent for Sam and Emma' Harry thought, panick creeping through his body.

"Harry! I didn't expect to see you here!" Louis exclaimed.

"Niall. I should go home. The kids-" Harry started to say, feeling guilty of leaving them.

"Nonsense. They are surely asleep" Niall said.

"But-" Harry was cut again.

"Come on, Harry! Zayn is busy snogging with your friend... Entertain me for a while" Louis whined.

Harry thoroughly searched those deep blue eyes but he couldn't find any kind of judgment in them, so he nodded with a small smile, deciding he could let himself enjoy the rest of the night.

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