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As Harry walked away with Niall he couldn't take his mind of a certain blue eyed man. He didn't even know his second name, or anything for that matter, but couldn't help it. He really didn't know what he would have done is Louis hadn't appeared after he fell at the airport because he hadn't had such a big attack since he had woken up in a hospital bed nine months ago. 

A shiver went down his spine just at the thought and he forced himself to think about something else. His mind unconsciously drifted back to Louis. He certainly was a nice man, and he couldn't deny that Niall was certainly right about his bum, but what got his attention had been those bright ocean blue eyes. He had been lost in the thought when...

"Hey, mate! Are you there or what?!" The irish man shouted, snapping his fingers in his face.

"Hmm... What?" He distractedly mumbled.

Niall chuckled shaking his head in amusement "Get in the car, will you? The kids are already buckled in".

Harry, still lost in thoughts, got in the passenger seat and looked at his best friend, who has looking back at him with a smug smirk before he turned his eyes to the road and opened his mouth to speak "oh, god. You are so whipped, mate"

"Don't know what you are talking about" Harry said, blushing deeply. "Besides, if he was to be gay, which I doubt, he certainly wouldn't be interested in a mess like me" He added to himself.

However, to his dismay, Niall had heard him because then he spoke. "Harry...for starters I'll repeat what I told you the last time I saw you. What happened to you was a mess. That shit of a boyfriend you had was a mess. But you are not. You are the strongest person I know... and I wish I could have been there for you but you gave your absolute best anyway." 

A tear was slipping down Harry's cheek before Niall added "Besides, that man was looking at you like you were God himself."

Harry couldn't help but let out a small smile.

Niall nodded with an encouraging smile "Now that that's settled. Will you tell me what got you here?"

"My prosthesis snapped at the airport. I couldn't get a bus home with the kids while hopping on one leg, could I?" Harry answered, knowing that that wasn't what he was asking for.

"Honestly, mate... I'm not that dumb, you know? I figured that bit by myself. I meant what are you doing back here in Doncaster" The man said shaking his head in disbelief.

Harry looked down and started speaking while sobbing. "Pff... I- I- ... Ethan came back yesterday... he- he was drunk and... and he said that he loved me... that I could be good enough even without a leg... that if I loved him I would... I would leave the k-kids and go back with him... that now that I could walk again he could forget that I was a- a... that I was a cripple". 

Harry had stopped crying and raised his voice to say. "He said all that while I was holding Sam, with Emma at my feet, Niall! I- I just couldn't deal with that shit anymore!" He then lowered his voice to a whisper and continued "and I couldn't live there anymore anyway... everything made me remember... I just booked a flight and got everything I could..."

By the time he finished explaining the car was already parked in front of an old apartment.

"Oh, Harry... I swear, if I ever law eyes on that idiot I'm killing him! I should have when he left you in the hospital. You know I'm here for you" Niall said while giving Harry a long bone crushing hug, that was only interrupted when Emma started complaining.

 When he had calmed down a little Niall helped him get the kids and their bags and into the empty apartment that belonged to Harry's family and left, after Harry reassured him that they would be alright.

After giving them a bath and feeding them, Harry somehow managed to put both Emma and Sam to sleep in his bed and fell asleep fully dressed beside them. He would have time to worry about everything tomorrow.

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