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"That's my favourite one" Louis spoke quietly against Harry's curls as they lay cuddling on the couch, the credits for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban rolling.

"Mhm. Mine too" Harry mumbled, his nose and lips tickling the skin on Louis' neck, where he had buried his face as soon as the first dementor appeared onscreen.

"I just wish the movies could be like the books. They are so much better... I mean- Wait... You've read them, haven't you? Because this is serious business. I-" Louis rambled, pulling away from Harry and staring back at him with a serious stare.

"Shh..." Harry sushed him and quieted him with a simple peck. "It'd be a better question if you asked me how many times I've. It borders on insanity really" He chuckled.

"Sorry. I get quite intense while talking about it" Louis blushed, lying his head on Harry's shoulder. "Oh, shit! I forgot to tell you something important!" Louis jumped, unintentionally elbowing Harry's ribs.

"Ouf! What?!" Harry huffed.

"Oops" Louis apologized flashing an innocent smile. "It's about the photography thing... Now, don't get mad but I might or might have not given your contact to the family I talked you about. And I've been doing some hours at the special needs school. They asked me if I knew someone who could take photos for them so you have an interview next Monday at 10" He grinned, waiting for Harry's reaction.

The reaction, however, wasn't what he had been expecting. His smile dropping as Harry backed away and stared at him wide eyed.

"What?! Louis! Why did you do that?!" Harry shouted in disbelief, Sam waking up at the loud noise.

He huffed and bent over the armrest to get Sam out of the old portable crib Liam had recently helped him fix and cuddling him to his chest to soothe him.

"I- um... I'm sorry. I just thought-" Louis started apologising, bitting his lips when he saw Harry's stare.

"You didn't think..." Harry cut him, grabbing a towel, a clean nappy and wipes and starting to open Sam's onesie. "You should go. I need to change him and put him back to sleep"

"I- Um... Yeah... Sorry... I should have waited for your approval... I just... I saw your photos and thought you'd do a great job... I'll just go now" He apologised again, his eyes wide and fighting back tears before walking to the door.

"See you..." He wishpered, not daring to look at Harry's eyes and quietly closing the door behind him.

Harry pursed his lips, letting a tear fall as he finished changing Sam's nappy. "I'm here, bunny. We'll be okay" He pressed a soothing kiss to his forehead.


Louis got to his car and drove home, slumping down the closed door of his bedroom once he arrived.

He had been excited to tell Harry but, now that he thought about it, he should have asked him first to know if he was okay with that. "Fuck" He groaned, letting his head bang on the door.

He took his phone out and typed a text for Harry, taking far too long to end up texting a simple 'I'm sorry 🥺'.

He sighed, not expecting a reply and stood up, stretching his back before sliding inside his unmade bed.

He had been turning and tossing unther the sheets for about half an hour when his door creaked, tiny footsteps getting closer to the bed.

He turned to the noise and smiled as he saw the outline of his younger brother, letting him crawl on the bed and curl on his chest.

"What's wrong Ernie?" He asked, wrapping his arms around the two year old.

The boy let out a small whimper and buried his nose closer to his brothers neck.

"You had a nightmare, big guy?" He asked, holding him closer as he whimpered again. "Let's sleep, love. It's late"

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