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"Now. What are we eating? Some pasta maybe?" He asked keeping his eyes on the road while driving extremely carefully.

"That would be great. But maybe somewhere with a parking? I don't really want to hop all around the town, you know?" Harry answered scrunching his nose.

"Alright, I know a place".

They drove for about 10 minutes and parked just in front of a restaurant.

"Here we are!" Louis exclaimed snd Harry breathed deeply in relief. "I can carry Sam and push Emma's trolley inside if it's okay with you" he said looking at Harry.

"Okay. Can you go in while I make a fast call" he answered without giving it much thought. It would have been difficult to carry them himself while hopping around.

"Sure. We'll go get a table" Louis said nodding at him and going inside with the kids.

He leaned against the wall, took out his phone and called the only person he knew there.

"Harry! How are you lad?" Niall's loud voice said.

"Hey Ni. Coud be better I guess. That's why I'm calling. You still live in Doncaster don't you?"

" 'Course. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Are you free? I just arrived to Doncaster with the kids. Could you pick us up in an hour?" Harry said scratching the back of his neck.

"Wow! That's amazing! Why didn't you say anything before?! I want to meet Sam and I haven't seen Emma since... You know..." The phone goes silent until he adds. "Where?"

A shiver went down Harry's spine "I'm not sure really. I'll send you the address now. Oh! And could you please bring me some crutches?"

"Okay. I have a pair home. I'll be there" Niall answered.

"See you later then. Thank you, Ni". 

He ended the call and hopped inside and to his relief he found them at the table nearest to the door. However, the short distance was long enough to attract the states of most of the people in the restaurant. He knew most of them were just curious but that didn't stop him from thinking that he was just not good enough and hanging his head in surrender and closing his eyes as he seated down at the table. 

That was until he felt a gentle finger bringing his chin up and was met by Louis smile. But the smile itself was nothing compared to the crinkles that formed around the bright blue eyes staring at him.

Harry gulped. His mouth had gone dry as he stared for what felt like ages but soon Louis ended the silence. "Keep you head up. Please. You have nothing to be ashamed of" he said with a serious tone. 

Harry smiled a little. "That's better. Now. Can we order? I might be eaten by my own stomach." The blue eyed man added.

Harry let out a loud chuckle and smiled showing his dimples. "We better order fast then".

Soon they had ordered and their food had arrived. Sam was propped up in Emma's trolley and Harry was feeding him a veggie puree he had prepared back home. Louis was helping Emma with her macaroni, trying not to make a mess because he was being distracted by the cuteness of a certain curly haired man and his baby.

"Sorry. Our food is already cold" Harry said after they had finished feeding the kids and started eating themselves.

"Don't worry, I'm used to it really. I'm the oldest of seven siblings. Do you have any siblings?" he asked.

Harry's fork stopped midway to his mouth and he could already feel tears forming behind his eyes. "I- I-..."

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