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"Stay? Please?" Harry pleaded.

"I'm here" Louis assured placing a gentle kiss on Harry's lips.

"Thanks" Harry smiled lightly, resting his head on Louis chest and sighing when Louis warm arms wrapped around him and Sam, holding them safely.



"Daddaaa... 'm hungy!" Emma whined as she climbed over the mess of limbs that lay on the couch, trying to reach Harry's face.

"Ouch" Louis groaned and opened his eyes wide as the air in his lungs was knocked out of him by the two year old girl's knee on his crotch.

"Daddaaa! Up! Up!" She complained, patting Harry's cheek.

"I think dadda's tired, love. Do you want me to get you some breakfast? Maybe we can make something for dadda too?" Louis asked the little girl, carefully untangling his body from Harry's and repositioning his arms and head with a pillow.

"Yeah, p'ease" Emma nodded and climbed back down, Harry still miraculously sleeping and drol dripping to the pillow instead of Louis' shirt.

"Okay Sam. You're awake too? You can come with us then. Such a good boy you are, hm?" Louis wishpered as he picked the baby up from his makeshift bed beside the couch.

Last night he had fallen asleep after the seizure and, after they all calmed down, they decided to finish the movie and watch the next one. So, they had improved a bed for Sam beside de couch as Harry wanted to keep him close just in case.

Needless to say, they had both fallen asleep cuddling trough the movie.

"Okay. Let's see what we have... what do you and dadda want?" Louis asked the little girl, looking into the fridge as he held Sam.

"Vovocado toast!" Emma squealed, jumping excitedly.

"Ugh... I hate them avocadoes" Louis groaned. "You sure? Don't you prefer some cereal? Or jam?" He asked hopefully.

"Nunu. I want vovocado toast" She shook her head.

"Great. Okay. I can do this" Louis nodded to himself.

He looked around for a high chair to leave Sam and found none. He sighed. He could cook while holding him. He searched around and decided to use the baby carrier that he had seen Harry use quite frequently.

Once he had securely strapped him to his chest, he put the bread in the toaster and started pealing the avocado. He growled at the mess on his hands as the partly pealed green slimy thing slipped once again.

Emma giggled, the top of her head peaking over the counter from where she stood on a small stool.

"Whatchu laughing at, hm?" Louis huffed pushing the toaster button down again as the bread wasn't toasted enough yet.

"You no know how to make vovocado. Dadda makes vovocado moons" She shook her head at him while scrunching her nose making a disgusted face.

"Oh. Does he? Well. You wanted avocado, now you have it. I bet you haven't tried decomposed avocado moons on toast, hm? Have you? Ha! I knew it" He retorted, placing a spoon in the green lumpy paste bowl.

"I don't think she has, no" A deep sleepy voice spoke from the doorway, startling Louis and making some mush fly out of the bowl.

"Shi-ship! You scared me" Louis whined, turning to face a disheveled Harry with curls flying everywhere.

"Dadda! Loulou no know how to make vovocado toast!" The girl complained, rushing to hug Harry.

"I'm sure he did okay, monkey... And remember we must be polite, hm?" Harry smiled, wishpering the last part.

"Oi! It's the avocado's fault" Louis complained with a pout.

"I see... Well let's try again with the bread and we might save it" Harry bit his lip not to laugh as he threw the burned slices and put new ones in the toaster.

"You distracted me?" The blue eyed man tried, smiling as wide as he could.

"Of course" Harry pecked his cheek. "You're a great view to wake up to with a baby on you, you know?" He smiled as he took the bowl from his hands.

Louis just blushed and let his hands lay limp.

"Just one question though... Why does my baby have avocado mush on his hair?"Harry asked trying to sound serious.

"Ask him. It wasn't me" Louis shrugged innocently.

Harry cackled and helped Sam out of the carrier to hold him.

"Hmm... What do you say, bunny? The curly haired man asked the baby as he made him bounce a bit on his arms. "Oh! Is that so?" He fake wishpered at the baby's gurgling. "Right. That's true. I can fix it" He continued with the fake conversation.

"Hey! What are you wishpering about!" Louis whined, crossing his arms.

"Wait a second. I'll be back" Harry replied going out the kitchen and coming back soon without Sam.

"What?" Louis pouted.

"You've got something here" Harry spoke as he approached and kissed his cheek. "And here" He kissed his forehead. "Here" He kissed his other cheek, getting closer to his lips bit not close enough.

"Harry... I made you avocado toast. Just kiss me you fool " Louis blushed.

And, finally, Harry kissed his lips. Just for a second. Pulling away just after before giving Louis time to react.

Louis pulled him back by his shirt, kissing him once more before pushing Harry gently.

"Go feed your kids" He smiled turning around to hide his grin and blush.

"Thank you for the effort. I've got jam for you if you want. You don't seem fond of avocados" Harry hummed sincerely, kissing the side of Louis' neck before walking away, leaving Louis standing on shaky legs and bitten lips.

A/N: Thank you for your patience if you're here from the start. I plan to finish the story. Some day. I'm a bit stuck and busy so... Hope you're liking it so far. And I'm glad to take suggestions 🤗

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