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When Harry arrived home from the appointment he considered texting Louis, but decided to wait as he didn't want to seem desperate and he knew he was still working anyway.

He was happy about the outcome of the appointment beacuse he somehow felt as if he was actually capable to help Sam. That, even if he had no idea how to do it, he at least could identify what he needed. Of course, he was aware that it had been Louis who had coached all of Sam's goals out of him, but still, he felt that it was him who choose what to work on acording to his and Sam's needs.

The rest of the day passed quickly, without as much as . He prepared some lunch, picked Emma up from daycare, fed both kids, searched the internet for a job offer that he didn't find while they napped, practised some exercises with Sam and sighed when he realised it all seemed easier when Louis did it, went to the playground nearby, fed the kids again and bathed them, and finally, after putting them to bed, he dropped asleep himself the second his head touched his pillow.

When he woke up on friday he realised he hadn't texted Louis and, to tell the truth, he really wanted to see him again. So he quickly sent him a text.

To Louis: Hey! Sorry I didn't text yesterday... I didn't stop all day 🥱.
To Louis: Are you up for dinner and the second HP tonight?

He didn't expect a quick reply so he dropped his phone to start getting Emma ready for the day.

Meanwhile, Louis, who had gone to bed quite upset aftter waiting all day for a text that hadn't arrived, rolled on his bed to reach his buzzing phone. He had just turned off his alarm but he had posponed it for 10 minutes so he groaned, wanting to sleep every spare minute he had, and checked his messages.

He immediately smiled and sat up, forgetting about everything and texting back as fast as he could.

To Harry: Hey! No worries, I had a long day too.

It wasn't a lie, was it? He did have a long day, but just because he had spent it checking his phone every chance he had, wonderig if Harry had just said he would text but didn't mean it. Anyway, everything was okay now. Harry had texted him and waned to see him today.

To Harry: Today would be perfect! What time?

From Harry: Does 6:30 work for you?

To Harry: Perfect!
To Harry: Do you want me to bring anything?

From Harry: Just yourself, Lou 😘

Louis squealed as he entered de kitchen, watching his phone and typing a reply.

To Harry: Okay. Got to go. See you later Haz 😘🤗

"Why are yu so loud so early in the morning?" Fizzy asked him with a grumpy and sleepy face.

He just shrugged, slipping his phone down his pocket and drinking from the mug his mum had passed him.

"Lou you just squealed at 7:30 AM, who are you and what did you do with my grumpy morning brother?" Lottie asked next.

"Nothing! Can't I be happy, hm?" He replied scrunching his nose at her.

"Oh, here you are" She spoke sarcastically.

"Girls... Just leave him be..." His mum scolded, smiling at Louis and sending him a not so subtle wink.

He finished his tea as fast as he could, grabbed a pice of toast with jam and made a run to his car to get to work before they could question him further.

When he finished work, he had lunch at home and decided to go out to walk his dog to try and make time go faster so that he could see Harry again. He had been at the park throwing sticks at Clifford for about 10 minutes when the dog ran past him and off to some people who had just arrived and was sitting on the grass.

"Oi! Clifford! No! Come here!" He shouted waving the dog back to him.

"Cliff! No! Come here!" He tried again, rushing after the dog seeing that he was being ignored.

"Oops" The man spoke in surprise, falling to the ground as the dog got nudged his way between his arms, which where holding up a camera, to be pet.

"No! Bad Clifford! Bad! I'm so sorry! He doesn't bite but he is too easily overexcited" He apologized after grabbing the dog's collar, still not looking up.


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